Chapter IX

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Seulgi's POV

I can't be mistaken! Her actions now are speaking. She said she doesn't like Suho oppa, but those words she said that time, expresses jealousy. If it was not about Suho oppa...

"No. I don't like you, Seulgi." I loosen my hold on her. Oh. "I don't just like you, Seulgi. I cherish you. I adore you. I'm in love with you." she took a step closer to me, and that made me step back. "I wasn't acting like that because I was jealous, that Suho likes you. I said those things, this afternoon, because I'm jealous at the fact that Suho is free to express his admiration to you. It's just so unfair, Seulgi. They said I'm far ahead already, that I should know my advantage, but why does it feel like I'm far behind? I was not even allowed to get in line, in the first place." she chuckled as she wipe those tears away. "I'm sorry if I slapped you, I was just insulted with what you've said. I cherish our relationship so much that I ignored what I feel for you, for the past years, just to protect this relationship. For you to say that, I can just give up our friendship that easily, I lost it there. I know that's not enough reason to slap you and I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I acted really shitty these past few weeks. Maybe Suzy was right." Suzy knows her sister have feelings for me? "Maybe I was just really doing that for my own sake." She is looking down already. I don't really know what to say to her. My mind is blank right now. "I know for myself that I needed to move on already. I know that I just refuse to believe that you're going to be okay without me, because I can never be okay without you. That's maybe why I thought of making distance between the two of us. It's to ready myself and not you, Seulgi.

I know this is all hard to take in, but it's my truth. I don't want you to keep on believing that I hated you, because Suho likes you. It was never that. I will never feel hatred towards you, Seulgi." She look up to meet my eyes. "That's all that I want to say Seulgi. I'll give you time and space, to think." She forced a smile before she turned her back on me.

"We just talk about this a couple of nights ago." I can't help myself to speak up, just to stop her from opening the door. "I told you..."

"That you'll never date a friend." She said and I heard her chuckled. I didn't know I was already hurting her when I said those.

"I said that--"

"I get it, Seulgi. I understand why you think that way." She said

"I'm sorry." Seeing her in this state, is making me feel guilt and regrets. Why didn't I notice it before? I call myself her bestfriend but I didn't even notice it all.

"No, Seulgi. I'm sorry that I didn't stop myself from falling, when I still had the chance to." She said that before opening up the door and successfully exiting the room.

There's something in me that wanted to stop her, but I don't know what to say to her. I can't just stop her from leaving and say nothing. Not long later someone enter the room, with the hope that it was her I got up to only see my little sister.

"Where's Irene unnie? Dinner's ready." Yeji said.

"Didn't you see her leave?" I asked. My sister shook her head.

"Wait a minute! She left?!" Yeji looked at me surprise. "Yah! Unnie! It's night already! You know how long it took you to get here! and you let her leave at this hour? Alone?! Unnie!!!" That's when I realized I should've really stopped her from leaving. "I'm calling her." Yeji held out her phone. "I don't care if you two are not in good terms right now. If you wont go home with Joohyun unnie, then she's spending the night here. I can't just let her go home, alone!" She raised her voice and glared at me. She then went out of the room as she's trying to contact Joohyun unnie from her phone. What the fuck, Seulgi! Why didn't you thought of that!?

I followed Yeji to the dining.

"Unnie! Where are you?" I can sense panic in Yeji's tone.

"Seulgi unnie." I look at the person beside me.

"Yes, Rina?" She's one of my sister's housemates. Yeji told me that their other housemate, Lia, went home. That's why they're the only one here.

"I've never seen Yej glare at you before. You must've done something really bad." She said to me. She is just looking at my sister, who is now on the phone with Joohyun unnie. "She looks hot tho." She said that in a whisper. That literally shock me. Oh My God!?

"Do you like my sister?" I can tell she was surprise by what I just said, because she turn head almost immediately after I asked that. She's nervous.

"It's fine. You can tell me." I assured her.

"No. It's not that, Seulgi unnie. I'm not afraid of telling you what I feel for your sister." She honestly said. This time, I'm the one surprise. "I just do--"

"Hey Bub, help me get the food?" Yeji called her. She excuse herself and went to my sister.

I just watch them and I saw how my sister reach for Karina's hand, before they went to the kitchen. Do they really need to hold hands? Do they really need to go together? Is just me, or...

I heard the doorbell ring. She's here.

"Unnie! Get that!" My sister shouted from the kitchen. I know if I won't comply, I'll receive another deathly glare from her.

I opened the door and there she is, with paper bag in her hand. I look at her, she just avoided my stare.

"I'm sorr--" I cut her off. I'm close getting irritated already, every time she say sorry.

"Come on in." I said that made her look at me in the eye. "It's a good thing you came back. Yeji's right. It's not safe for you to you go home at this hour, unnie." I said. I can see how her expression soften before she entered the house. I close the door nd followed her to the dinning.

Yeji and Karina are already seated. It looks like they're only waiting for the two of us.

"What's on that paper bag unnie?" Yeji asked her.

"Sandwiches. It was suppose to be my lunch but I got too caught up with something else that I forgot to eat it." She said. Lunch? So she's been looking for me for the whole afternoon?

"Can I?" Karina asked unnie to give her the bag and unnie gave it to her. Karina went to their kitchen with it and brought it back, with it on a plate already. "You're suppose to eat all these on your own, unnie?" Karina asked. That made Unnie look at me before she answered yes. A lie. She can't eat that much. I know she brought some for me, too. Since I left them without eating lunch. "Woah."

"Sit now, Bub. So we can eat." Yeji pulled out the chair for Karina to sit on. ARE THESE TWO DATING!?

"You two look cute." I heard unnie said beside me. Both of them said thank you to her.

I look at unnie. I've never been this awkward beside her. It's scary how everything can change just because of a simple confession.

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