The beginning

823 14 17

TW: mention of drugs and overdose

The beginning
Ok y/n this is it. You finally graduated high school, now it's time for college. You've spent a lot of time thinking of what you wanted to be, but you still are unsure. All you know is you want to do something in the health care field. Either an anesthesiologist or a CRNA that specializes in anesthetics solely because you're parents said then needed one successful kid in the family and your brother sure isn't going to be it because all he cares about is smoking pot. Anyways you like the idea of helping people, so it's not so bad. Although your past jobs were hosting at a family restaurant and a lifeguard at the YMCA, so you don't have much experience in the healthcare careers.

"Y/N LETS GO YOU CANT BE LATE ON MOVING INTO YOUR DORM!" You hear your mother scream from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok mom, I'm just packing up my bed sheets and a few stuffed animals" you reply

"Y/n..... I don't think you should bring stuffed animals to college. People will make fun of you." She says while walking into your room

"Well they have sentimental value." You hold up a rainbow peep stuffed animal

" this one is from cousin Sarah. She gave it to me when I got out of the hospital." You say handing her the stuffed animal.

"Ok fine, but do you really need this leather jacket?" Your mother asks

"Yes mom... that was grandpa big truck's" you recoil. Your grandpa was a major part of your life growing up. Hell you used to live with him. Anyways in your freshman year of high school he passed away from a drug overdose, and you still haven't recovered from it. Every day it still saddens you because he promised you he would stop and you believed him. He was also supposed to teach you how to drive and fix up a car with you for your first car.

"Oh I didn't realize that. We'll hurry up we can't be late." She says while walking downstairs. You sit down on your bed and take a look at your room one last time. The wall you filled with anime stickers when you were in 8th grade, the cracked window, the wall filled with awards and such, and finally the photo of you and your grandpa. You grab the photo and grab your stuff, and said goodbye to the room you grew up in. You go downstairs and see your little Yorkie Maltese running towards you.

"HI LUCY!! I LOVE YOU BABY" you pick her up and give her a kiss on the head

" goodbye Lucy I'm going to miss you my love" you say as you put her down. You walk over to your other dog, Linus, and give him a big hug. He's a English springer spaniel.

" goodbye buddy I'll miss you." You go outside to see your mom and little brother, Tommy, waiting for you in the car.

"Got everything" your mother questions

"I think" you reply looking back at your house.

"Y/n. Guess what?" Tommy says from the back seat.

"What?" You say looking back at him

" I love you" he says while blowing you a kiss

"I love you too buddy" you smile and your mother drives off. Tommy is your half sibling because your parents split up when you were 3, and he is only 6.
Time skip to when you get to UWGB
You got the dorm number and keys. You go back to the car and start grabbing your stuff. You walk up to your room and you hear noise from inside of it. *oh that must be my roommate!* you think in your head.  You unlock the door to see a tallish man with blonde hair and tattoos from a character in jjk.

"Hey... My name is y/n. I think we are roommates now." You say awkwardly

"Oh hey! I'm Danny! It's nice to meet you y/n"
He holds out his hand for you to shake it and you hesitate but hold out your hand as well. When you put dow that you were ok with either a guy or a girl roommate you didn't actually think you would have a guy roommate.

" is there anything I can help you bring in from your car?" He asks

"Um. No I'll be fine thanks tho." Just then your mother and little brother walks in with some boxes.

"Here let me take that" Danny said while taking some boxes from your moms arms

"oh, thank you. And you are?"

"I'm Danny. Y/n's roommate. "

"Oh, well thank you Danny it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. Well y/n do you need help unpacking?" She turns to you and asks

"I should be fine but thank you" you say

"Ok then we will get going then." You go give your mom a hug

"bye mom love you" you say while letting go

" if you need anything I'll be right here." she says with tears in her eyes
"ok mom" then your little brother runs up to you and gives you a really tight hug and starts crying

" but y/n I don't want you to leave" he says

"Aw baby" you pick him up

" you can visit whenever, and when I'm free I'll make sure to come visit you ok?"  You say while holding back your tears

" ok y/n. I love you"

"I love you too baby" you then set him down and wave goodbye to them. You shut the door and begin to unpack

Time skip to when you finish unpacking

"Hey y/n? Do you mind if I have some friends come over?" Danny asks

"I don't care it your room too, so do whatever you want." You say as you lie on your bed turning on your tv.

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure"

"Ok, thank you tho for asking"

"Yeah no problem!" He says while texting someone
Since Danny was having some people over you decided to go tour the campus. You go to your closet and grab a hoodie and a ball cap.

"I'm going to go for a walk." You say as you leave the room. You go to theater hall because you love theater. After about an hour of exploring you decided to head back. On your way back you see  the food court and you stop and get a salad. You walk back to your room and hear a bunch of noise. *holy crap how many ppl are here* you think to urself. You unlock the door to see 3 new men in your room along with Danny. One had shorter brown hair and was filled with energy, the other had longer dark brown hair and was tall, and the other..... Holy shit

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