Wait.. did we..

395 9 4

TW: mention of drugs and overdose

You jolt awake at 11:30am to see Arny
shirtless next to you. You look down at yourself to see that you are still fully clothed. *ok ok I can't work with that, but why is Arny here.* you check the garbage can next to your bed and see nothing suspicious.

"Y/n? Why are you moving so much? Come back to bed?" You hear Arny voice say groggily.

"Um. Arny. Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" You ask looking at him

"Because you wanted me to" he said turning around to look at you

"Wait.. did we.." you say with hesitation

"No my love, we didn't." He says while sitting up and rubbing his eyes

"What time is it?" He asked

"11:35" you reply just then you feel a sharp pain shoot through your entire head. You run to the bathroom and you take some medicine to help with the pain. Then you look at yourself and see that you have a black eye

"Ummmmm hey Arny?" You ask

"Yes y/n?" He answers

"Do you know how I got this black eye?" You say pointing to your eye

"Oh shit. I didn't think he got you that bad." He said walking up to you

"Wait what?!?!" You say all frantic

"A guy tried to bring you home and you didn't want to and I saw this so I came over and punched him and then he tried to punch me and missed and hit you in the face. Don't worry tho. You got him back. You decided to push him down and kick him in the balls and then step on him with your heels."

"Oh my god. I'm sorry" you said interrupting him.

"Wait there's more"

"Oh god.. there's more?"

"Yep. You decided to take your knife out and threatened to cut his balls off and hang then from the mirror of your car if he didn't get out of your sight" he said laughing

"Oh my god. 🤦‍♀️ I'm so sorry you had to see that. When I drink my filter goes away." You said

"But you didn't even have anything to drink" he said in a concerned voice

"But your breath did smell like pot" he said laughing

"Oh shit.. I haven't done that since 9th grade." You said almost is tears, but Arny didn't notice

"Oh really? why's that?"

"You see my grandpa died from a drug overdose, and I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything like that again because I didn't want to end up like him." You say as a tear drop falls from your face.

"I'm sorry love" Arny says as he gives you a hug.

"It's ok, I'm just disappointed in myself." You say hugging him back

"Hey! How about we do something today? Yeah?" Arny asked

"Sure, but what? It's raining." You say opening up the window

"Do you want to go get something to eat then go from there?"

"Sure! Can we just go to a cafe tho?" You say while getting an outfit pick out. You picked a dark green hoodie with black ripped jeans

"Anything you want." He said walking up behind you putting his head on your shoulder. You decided not to wear any makeup today because you were too lazy to. You turned around and looked at Arny in the eyes and started smiling. Then you lightly patted the side of his face 2 times with your right hand

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