Free food? HELL YEAH!

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Unfortunately you awake to the sound of your alarm clock at 7:30am. *ughhhhhh it's so early I could've slept for another 5 hour if I didn't have class. I hate school*

"Yo y/n wtf I'm trying to sleep!" You hear Danny call from his bed.

"I'm sorry Danny. I have class at 8, so I wanted to make sure that I was ready and had enough time for everything." You say turning around to face him, but he is face down into his pillow.

"Well what time dose your classes start at?" You questions.

"8:15" he sharply replied

"Oh ok. What time is your last class at?"

"5:30, now can you let me sleep?" He said sitting up rubbing his eyes

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry Danny. I'll be on my way now" you say heading to the bathroom to get ready. It was now 7:50 and you had just finished getting ready. You walk out your door and you run into a familiar face.

"Oh hey Arny!" You say

"Good morning y/n!" He says in a pleasant tone

"What are you doing here. If that's ok of me to ask?"

"Oh I was just making sure that Danny is up and ready to go. You see Danny likes to sleep... A LOT, and I just want to make sure he isn't late on his first day."

"Oh we'll go right in then" you say while opening the door for him.

"Well maybe see you later?" Arny said while walking into your room

"Yeah maybe ;)" you wink at him
*OMG WTF WHY DID MY BODY DO THAT. IM SUCH AND IDIOT. I KNOW WHAT I AM. IM AN IDIOT SANDWICH!!!* you check the time and it's 7:55 *OH SHIT I GOTTA GO* you run to your lecture hall as fast as you could. You arrive to see that your class doesn't start till 8:15. *oh..ok..I'm..not..late..that's..good.* you think you walk into that class to see 2 of Danny's friends, Pete and Brandon, you decided to go walk over to them and sit by them because they were the only people you knew.

"Hey y/n what's up?" Brandon asked

"Oh nothing just here for class." You answered

"Why are you full of sweat?" Pete asked

"Oh, I thought the lecture started at 8, but I didn't leave my dorm till 7:55 so I sprinted here." You say still a little out of breath. You grab the sleeve of your hoodie and you wipe the sweat off. Then you grab your water bottle and start drinking your water like a camel.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG" Brandon chants

"Dude stop your are going to make me spit" you say setting your water down.

"Aw, but spitters are quitters y/n." Brandon whispers in your ear

"And I'm out of here." You Scooch over to the end of the row of chairs. Just then 2 boy walk it *no fucking way...... well I guess I'm failing this class.* then the boys spot you. Arny and Danny come running up the steps towards you, or so you thought. Then they went right past you and sat by Pete and Brandon. *that's a relief*

"Hey y/n why don't you sit by us?" Danny said looking at you

"No offense to you guys, but I want to pass this class with an A. I feel like you guys would be a distraction." You say while getting out your agenda.

"We promise we won't mess with you." Arny adds

"I'm good, thanks tho." And with that you grabbed your things and headed to the middle row so you could see the board better. Just then your teacher walked in. You look at the clock and it's 8:20. *well I guess this teacher is late. Better not be a regular thing* you sigh and grab your note book and prepare yourself for class

"Hello everyone. My name is Lip Gallagher, but you can call me Mr. Gallagher or Lip i'm not picky. I'm also not too strict, just make sure to get your your work done and turned in on time. Anyways let's get started with the lecture." He said like facing the blackboard. You decide to take some in depth notes because you really don't want to fail. At the end of the lecture you decide to go up to him and ask his a couple questions because that's the type of person you are. Turns out the teacher was impressed, and you left a good impression on him, so that's good. Throughout the days you leave good impressions on all of your teachers. At the end of your last class you head back to your dorm and start working on your homework. When you get there Danny is already there with Arny working on Mr. Gallaghers homework. It appears that they are struggling, so you go over and decide to help with it.

"Do you need help?" You walk up to them and look at their paper

"Actually yeah. That would be great if you could help us." Danny says.

"Yk what I'll just give you my answers. If you want me to tutor you tho let me know, I just have homework to work on myself right now." You say while handing them your paper.

"Wow thanks y/n" Arny says

"Yeah thanks!" Danny adds

"Yup. No problem" you smile and walk away.
Now where were we oh yeah. Mr. Wilson's chemistry assignment. Once you finished that you decided to go see how the boys were doing. *you got to be kidding me* they copied your work word for word.

"Bro wtf?!?!" You say looking at their paper
"What?" Danny says

"You copied word for word. The teacher is going to know" you say

"But didn't you hear Mr. G? He said he doesn't mind if you work together." Arny said

"No, I didn't but ok I'll believe you I guess. I swear to go tho if I get in trouble for this you will pay." You snap at them.

"Ok ok" they both say.

"Hey guys I was wondering if you guys would like to go get some bagels for dinner? My treat?" You say while putting your hoodie up.
Arny and Danny look at eachother and scream

"FREE FOOD?!?! HELL YEAH!" And with that you guys all went out for bagels.

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