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When noon came Dan and the Professor showed up and he opened the door.

"Hello, Professor, and hello Dan," Ms. Keane says "your both right on time" they walk in and go to her "your kids are right outside with the other children"

They then saw the mess all over the room.

"Oh, no! Look at this mess," Professor says "I knew the girls would be a handful, but I am so sorry"

"And about mine too," Dan says "we can help clean this up"

"Oh, don't worry about it," Ms. Keane says "and what, this?" she looks at the mess "oh, this is what happens when you put 20 kids in one room" they then follow her outside "your kids were perfect. Perfect little angels and we'll-behaved"

"So nothing out of the ordinary happened?" Professor asks.

"No. Like what?" Ms. Keane asks.

While the professor and Ms. Keane talked Dan was watching them play.

Meanwhile, the kids were playing hopscotch and they thought it was fun, but Buttercup didn't get the game.

Just then a kid touched a girl and said you're it and she got all excited and began to run and the five kids just watched with confusion about what was going on and blossom thought that she was infected or something.

But then the girl tagged bubbles and she freaked out that she was infected too.

Luckily a kid named Mitch Told them what was going on and how it is a game and that when you tag somebody your job is to run away from the Tagger.

He then told bubbles to tag him and when she did he showed them how it works and tagged buttercup and then she asked.

"OK, I'm it, I'm it, what do I do next?" Buttercup asks.

"Just tag someone else and their it," Mitch says running away.

Buttercup then smiles and looks at them and they smile at her.

They then started running and she goes after them.

They were laughing over this and then Blossom saw Buttercup getting closer.

"Time to put it into overdrive, guys" Blossom says and they go faster.

Buttercup then went faster too.

The more they ran, the faster they went.

But then buttercup got mad and went really fast and pushed Bubbles so hard that it made her crash into the school.

But then she came right flying.

"I'm going to tag you guys now," bubbles says.

She came right down above them and they used their speed to move away just in time.

And she crashed and popped her head out.

"Ha ha, you missed us," Brax says.

Before they knew it all five of them were chasing each other down the street until they eventually made it to the city. And tagging each other.

Meanwhile back at the elementary school they are all still in shock about what they saw and this gave the professor and Dan a chance to get out of there then got into the professor's car and drives after them.

Meanwhile, in the city Axa was it and she was flying fast where items were flying behind.

She then saw a 2 way and she used her feet to stop but left a destruction line behind her without realizing it.

She even used her sonic hearing to where she heard laughter and so she sped off again in that direction.

Dan and the professor were trying to find them as soon as possible before any more Destruction happens.

But the more they follow the damages the more destruction they found.

Axa then found Brax and tagged him and flew off.

Brax then sped off straight into the sky leaving a big hole.

Dan and the professor almost fell in thank goodness for the professor's driving to avoid it at the nick of time.

Brax then tagged Blossom and took off.

She then went looking for anyone she could tag and she did find Buttercup but lost her, but then she looked at the big metal ball on the building and she saw where Bubbles was going.

"Subway, hu," Blossom says and went to the subway and made it just in time to where Bubbles was heading and tagged her "tag, your it" she flies away and blows raspberries at her.

They just kept playing and playing and tagging each other and having fun and not realizing the damage that they were causing.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Townsville saw the whole thing and he kept saying 'oh boy' over and over and his assistant miss Bellum thought he was going to take care of it but he led her and other groups of angry people to a pickle cart.

After the mayor got his pickle he was about to take a bite out of it was only a few inches away when there was a crash and it was the five kids laughing over this while the others were knocked out.

After that Dan and the professor took the kids back home.

And when they got home they were still excited about what happened today and were still playing tag and said that the professor was still it.

The professor realizes the only way he's gonna be able to talk to them is if he caught them so the professor caught the girls and Dan caught his.

They both said that they need to have a quick talk with them after they have their pajamas on.

The Professor talked to them and Dan talked to his.

"So what's up?"Brax asks.

"Well me and the professor were talking and we talked it over and we think either of you should be using your powers in public anymore," Dan says.

"Why?" Brax and Axa asks.

"Well, most people aren't open-minded and they Attend to get scared or irrational about something they don't understand, plus you 2 have a bit more power than the other girls do," Dan says.

"What do you mean?" Brax asks "weren't we created the same?"

"Well a little bit, yes, but in the process of creating a piece of my bracelet here" Dan points to it "a piece of it fell into the pot and I believe you have my powers too, I just haven't seen them yet"

"Ok," Axa says "we'll take an easy tomorrow and not show any powers"

"Thank you," Dan says "I just want to make sure all of you are safe"

Dan then tucks them into bed and wishes them to have a good night and the professor and Dan went to sleep right after that after that exhausting day.


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