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After all the monkeys were defeated they got back together.

"None of the stupid monkeys had the Professor!" Buttercup says.

"Or Dan" Axa says.

"Where could they be?" Bubbles asks.

"Take a good guess" Blossom says while pointing. And they saw them at Mojo's place.

And they saw him put up the security to try to stop them.

"Come on, girls! We've got one last monkey to get off our backs!" Brax says.

They then fly to his place and they crash right through all his security.

"Not so fast" they said looking at them "Mojo Jojo"

They saw Mojo holding the Professor and 2 mechanical arms holding Dan that were on his back.

"Aaww, look at the little heroes here to save their daddies!" Mojo says while mocking them.

"Kids stay back" Dan says.

"No kids! Save yourselves!" Professor says.

They then fly right at them.

"Sorry, Professor!" Bubbles says.

"No can do" Axa says.

"We can take this chump chimp down!" Buttercup says.

"Nothing he can do can stop us!" Blossom says.

"So you better back off monkey boy" Brax says.

Just then Mojo had his arms and the mechanical grab Dan and the Professor by the neck like they were going to snap it and they gasp and stop right were they are.

"That's better" they were mad at him for him to use them as bait like that "it's good you little freaks know when you're beaten" he then backs away and goes to his machine "now if you will excuse me, I Mojo Jojo, have a town to take over!" He then types on the machine "I have a world to rule! I have to seize control of an area" he then turns on the machine "and force its inhabitants to follow my way of thinking!" He then grabs the tube that was connected to the rest of the chemical X above the machine " even if it means...." He then injected it into his brain "taking extreme measures!"

They gasps "you wouldn't!"

"I would" Mojo says.

He then pulls a lever and they see him absorb all of the chemical X into him, and they see him transforming.

They then saw him grown huge and that made him let go of Dan and the Professor and they fall.

"Professor/Dan" Bubbles and Brax said.

Blossom catches the Professor and Axa catches Dan and the others catch the rubble as they take cover from it.

"Now I am more Mojo than before!" Mojo yells and jumps out of his place and walks to the city until he arrives at town hall where all the monkeys were "now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" he looks at all the monkeys that were on the ground "I Mojo Jojo, have succeeded" he rips off the town hall top and puts it on his head "in my first, greatest and most brilliant plan ever! And I Mojo Jojo shall be king"

"Now I am more Mojo than before!" Mojo yells and jumps out of his place and walks to the city until he arrives at town hall where all the monkeys were "now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" he looks at all the monkeys that were o...

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Meanwhile back at Mojo's place the rubble from under them was getting lifted off them and they threw away.

"Oh girls, thank goodness you're okay" Professor says.

"I'm glad you 2 are okay too" Dan says.

Professor then grabs his kids "now let's get out of this town" he runs with them "and find a new place to live"

They fly out of his grip and Brax and Axa fly out of Dan's hold.

"It's no use, Professor" Buttercup says.

"We already tried running away" Bubbles says.

"We have to fix the problem we helped start" Blossom says.

"You both said to give everyone time to understand our specialness" Axa says.

"Well, now it's time for everyone to understand" Brax says "especially Mojo!"

They then fly away making a rainbow 🌈 in their path.

The Professor had a tear falling down his face.

"I'm so proud" Dan says and wipes his face "we need to help them"

"I think I have an idea" Professor says.

"I think I have an idea" Professor says

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