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When school is over the kids waited outside as they promised but as the hours went by it started to get dark and there were still no sign of the professor to pick them up.

"He's not coming. He hates us" Buttercup says "he totally hates us"

Bubbles then cries and Axa hugs her to comfort her.

"No, he probably just got held up, or maybe the car broke" Blossom says. "Or maybe he forgot"

"I know Dan wouldn't do this" Brax says "he has kids of his own and he wouldn't abandoned them and I know he wouldn't do that to us and I mean all 5 of us"

"Well, Dan is still sick so I know why he's not here, but the Professor" Axa says "I don't know"

"Or maybe he hates us" Blossom says getting sad. "Come on, let's try and find our way home"

Bubbles, Buttercup, and Brax then go up into the sky.

"We're not suppose to use our powers" Axa says.

They then come down and take hands and started walking.

As they continued walking they ended up in the city and then they came across a whole bunch of TVs with the news talking all about them and how they caused a lot of damage and how everybody hates them for what they have done and how there was $25 million in damages.

After that they continued on their way but that's when the Professor and Dan showed up on the TV screens.

It showed that them both were thrown in jail and the professor helped Dan lay on the bed until going to the cameras telling them that he needed to get to his kids and that anything could happen to them if he wasn't there to go get them.

And as the kids continued walking all over the city trying to find the way back to the house they saw all the destruction that they caused when they were playing and the more they saw it the more guilty they felt.

They then stopped at a street.

"Well, it's a official" Buttercup says "I have no idea where we are"

"Well, I can't say it's been the best day" Blossom says.

"And walking through all that destruction doesn't help either specially when you feel guilty for all the damages that was caused" Axa says being sad.

"Join the club sister" Brax says.

"But it probably couldn't get much worse" Bubbles says.

Just then it started raining and Buttercup yells and Bubbles and Axa cry.

"Hey, it's ok. Maybe there's a box we can get in somewhere" Blossom says.

"They might be in the back" Brax says "come on"

They then run to the back and they were right there was a lot of boxes 📦.

"See, there's a whole bunch of 📦" Blossom says.

As They got closer they were ambushed by the gang green gang and they scream from the surprise.

They tried to leave but they soon was blocked in different directions and as they got closer to them they screamed.

Just then one of them got hit from behind and fell to the ground but then they saw a flying trashcan lid being thrown like a frisbee knocking out each member of the gang green gang one by one until they were all knocked out.

"Wow, thanks!" They all said.

They then saw the person running.

"Hey wait" Blossom says. "Come back"

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