Chapter 1

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Damn, that shit deep. 

Was that me writing? Because I feel like that was me writing. But I'm not 11? must be at least 14 for sure, I just know it! But there is nothing more on this diary (if you don't count the quotes from people and songs), like what am I supposed to do with "And we danced all night to the best song ever"? 

But as soon as I said that the diary started glowing and...Turned into a necklace with a musical note? what the fuck did I just witness?
Suddenly, everything turned dark and I screamed.

I woke up screaming.

"Calm down miss, you're safe. Do you remember what happened?" asked a woman in a medical attire (she must be a doctor I suppose) and I shook my head. 

"You had an incident and fell down the stairs. Your parents are very worried, you've been here for 3 days without waking up... but you're aware now! We Just have to run another few tests and then you're free to leave." She said but stopped her "Wait. I don't remember anything... Who am I?" I asked and she looked at worried."I'm so sorry sweetheart. Your name is Arya, you're almost 16 and your birthday is the 5th of June. Today it's 28 april 2013. Also your full name is Arya Harvey.That's all I know, sorry." She said and walked away with an apologetic smile.
A few hours later I was leaving with my parents that immediately told me to stop being an attention seeker and that I was fine. 

What a lovely family I have...


Hang on there it gets better I swear :) 

Btw have a nice day and fuck the American parliament and its stupid anti abortion laws.

Your body, your choice.


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