Moving Out

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Ashley's POV:

Ever had that feeling were you want to get out of somewhere as fast as you can? Yeah, this is me at this moment, just Duncan and I, two foreigners in Korea. We are bound to attract attention.

Thankfuly it was fast, we took our money and left. Hunter Association, Clocktower, to me they are not so different. Still, they don't know of the real supernatural, they believe that monsters and magic is all. How wrong they are.

But that Chairman GunHee, it's more to him then meets the eye, he is one of the few hunters i tolerate. Do Sam and Dean count among them? No, Sam and Dean are in a league of their own.

And i'm deviating from the subject.

Ashley: "Sigh... time to head home."

Duncan: "You said it, i'm itching for a cold one." He flashed a toothy grin.

As we got in his HellCharger, Duncan turned on the engine and started driving. It's been two or three days since we returned from Remnant, and we still haven't received any signal from the Darkhold Fragment and trying to go after the fragment blindly won't do us any good.

Trying to get my mind off things, i took out my phone and tried to call dad. They moved back to Los Angeles a few months ago saying that they need time to adjust, and we get it, being brought back from the dead and seeing your kids all grown up is crazy.

Duncan: "Watcha doing there?"

Ashley: "Trying to call dad, been a while since we heard from them."

Duncan: "Well tell me how's that going for ya, 'cause i tried calling mom before going to Jeju and she hasn't been answering." He frowned.

I pressed the call button on the screen and waited for an answer, and true to Duncan's word, i was sent to voicemail.

Ashley: "They must be busy, trying to reintegrate back in the world of the living is gonna take time." I tried to reasure Duncan, but it was more to reasure myself.

Duncan: "Hope that's the case. Besides, if anyone messes with them, they can take care of themselves." He mumbled the last sentance, but i heard him.

Right, the topic of our parents powers. We decided not to question it too much and just go with the flow, but, dad having purple eyes and superstrength, and mom having white eyes and control over ice... seems to specific just to wake up with them after being ressurected.

Ashley: "Hey, i've been thinking... how about we move back to LA?"

He glanced at me, then turned his gaze back at the road ahead. Can't tell what's going on that empty head of his. All we did were in and out missions, but i think going back to Los Angeles for good, the place where our lives got turned upside down, is something else.

I lowered my head and scratched the back of my neck.

Duncan: "Yeah, why not."

I snapped my his direction with wide eyes.

Ashley: "Really?"

Duncan: "Sure, guess our travelling days are over. But, we have to talk with the others at home. Maybe some of the other Heroic Spirits would want to come with us as well."

Ashley: "Yeah, we need to think about the kids as well. Wonder how Sakura would feel about this?"

Duncan: "Can't say for sure, but, one thing i know is that you two are inseparable. So we will just have to ask her."

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