Fearful Dragon

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3rd POV:

Within a dark lair, covered in shadows and darkness, sitting upon a throne was a handsome and muscular man with long red hair, a neatly trimmed red beard, and glowing red eyes. He also wore silver-red armor with a high collar and a reddish-brown tailcoat.

Suddenly he gazed high up with a thoughtful look before grinning, showing his razor sharp teeth

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Suddenly he gazed high up with a thoughtful look before grinning, showing his razor sharp teeth.

???: "This feeling... it would seem that our creator has been finally released. The Darkness shall once more bring the end of all. Did you feel it as well, Tarnak?"

Antares lowered his gaze upon one of his fellow Monarchs, the one called Tarnak, The Monarch of the Iron Body, the King of Monstrous Humanoids.

Tarnak was a handsome young man with slick blond hair and green eyes. He wore a long white coat with a bright blood-red collar, golden shoulder pads, black pants, black shoes, small earrings, white gloves, and a plain gray T-shirt. When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed lime green.

 When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed lime green

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Tarnak: "Yes, indeed. This familiar feeling. It has been eons since we saw our creator but our purpose still remains the same as it always was. To ensure the total desctruction of all time and space. By being the heralds of all there is to come and cease to be."

Antares chuckled amused by Tarnak's enthusiasm, as always eager to cause chaos and destruction.

Antares: "Always speaking true, Tarnak. How is our little... project coming along?"

Tarnak gave a thoughtful, this so called "project" of Antares was quite a diffiult task to accomplish. Not because of the lack of power, not at all, they were being of pure Darkness after all. It was all about secrecy, not catching the attention of some unwanted people.

Tarnak: "If you speak of the Cocoon of Finality, yes. It is finished and more then ready."

Antares: "Good. And what of the proto-Monarchs? Or did you decide to call them something else."

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