Does The Parents Approve?

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Does your parents approve of him? While Harry and Neville doesn't have parents or legal guardians (Neville does have a grandmother and Harry with his awful family 🙄), I will include how Molly + Arthur, Luscious + Narcissia, and Cedric's father feel about you dating their son.

Harry Potter 🦉❤️

Your mother thinks Harry is sweet but awkward. She thinks of him as a son and treats him as such when he comes for a visit. Your father is weary of you dating the "Chosen one" whom Voldamort tried to kill as a baby. He only worries about your safety and that is something both him and Harry agree upon which makes it sort of okay with the two of them.

Ron Weasley 🍗❤️

Your mother doesn't like Ron too much cause he can't stop eating and thinks he isn't good enough for you. However, your father sees a bit of himself in Ron so he takes it easy on Ron and tries to talk about the Quidditch games at school and Ron's future.

Molly adores you like a daughter and smacks Ron if he tries anything dirty to you. Arthur barely notices or even acknowledges you but is glad to hear that Ron has a girlfriend who makes him happy.

Draco Malfoy 🐍🖤

Your mother wants to like Draco for your sake but she doesn't like the Malfoy's and their attitudes about muggle-born's or half-bloods as well as them believing they are better than most wizarding families. Draco has the same attitude, while not as bad as Luscious. Your father used to be friends with Luscious until after Hogwarts when they parted ways. Now your father sees too much pride and self-centeredness in Draco that resembles his father. While your parents want the best for you and won't try to separate you from being with Draco, they have warned you about heartbreak due to Luscious's spiteful nature.

Luscious was happy to hear that Draco had a girlfriend, but not when he discovered whom you were. He does not approve of you or your family, and makes it known. Narcissa told Draco that while she disagrees with him dating you, she won't stop him from being in love with whom he chooses. She does warn him of the consequences of loving the wrong sorts of people though. You are not those sorts of people though 😊

Neville Longbottom 🐸❤️

Your mother thinks Neville is funny and that his love for plants is interesting. She is always super sweet to him and enjoys hearing him speak of his grandmother, you, and his plans for after Hogwarts. Your father thinks Neville is a whimp and honestly believes that he is just a phase for you until you move on to someone better 💀 (can I get a damn...?)

Cedric Diggory 🧹✨

Your mother thinks Cedric is one of the finest boys in all of Hogwarts and is happy for you to have a boyfriend who is so well accomplished at school. Your father feels the same way but mostly for Cedric being on the Quidditch team which is the only thing your father has to talk about to Cedric other than his plans for after Hogwarts.

Cedric's father thinks you are a charming young lady and enjoys having you around because you make Cedric very happy.

Fred Weasley 😂❤️

Your mother thinks Fred is annoying and that you will get over him as soon as you feel for him. While she doesn't necessarily disapprove of him or his family, she thinks it won't last and hopes you don't get it in your head to run off and get married super young (you two do!). Your father agrees with your mother to some degree but thinks Fred will change once he gets out of his Hogwarts years (Fred doesn't) and that you will be a good influence on him (you are).

Quite honestly, Molly and Arthur were shocked when Fred brought home a girl. Molly is just happy that Fred has any other interest than George or pranks. She thinks you are actually too good for her son and fears you will break his heart. Arthur can't stop congratulating Fred on his accomplishment 😉😂

George Weasley 🤣❤️

Your mother does not like George because he reminds her of your father. Prankster, can't take anything seriously, and became an unfair businessman who charges his own family double in his shop. She also fears he will leave you after you two have a baby like your father did only to pop in once in a while. Your father, however, adores George and Fred. Your father only hopes that you don't have such a huge family like the Weasley's do (he's got another thing coming 😂).

Molly doesn't like your mother due to her feelings towards George and she doesn't not like your father, but she worried about George being with you and your whole family mess. Arthur thinks your mother is a snob but enjoys talking to your father, whom he has known since they were kids.

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