What Kind of Boyfriend Are They?

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What kind of boyfriend are they to you? Some of these made me blush and smile uncontrollably 😁🥰


Harry would be the type of boyfriend who would try his hardest to make you happy and fail almost every time but would hold your hand and protect you while also reminding you how beautiful you are and how your smile is the only thing he looks forward to everyday.


Ron is the type of boyfriend who gets jealous easily but would share his food with you and let you wear his sweater as well as cuddle with you in his bed late at night while he steals kisses.


Draco would be the type of boyfriend who would always have his arm around you or over your shoulder 99.999% of the time and openly make-out with you in public but would fight anyone who looked at you for over two seconds and would get you in trouble for having sex in a public place while also making it known you are his and his only.


Neville would be the type of boyfriend who would prioritize you and make his schedule around yours cause he wants to spend as much time with you as possible while also trying to build a future with you as well.


Cedric is the type of boyfriend who treats his girl like she's his best friend who goes where he goes and annoyingly says "we" instead of "I" and hypes you up when you are feeling so low and knows you better than anyone else cause he is basically the son your father always wanted and he always gives you time and never forces you into doing anything you don't want to do because he would never do that to his best friend.


Fred would be the type of boyfriend who would consistently prank you and have a scaring ear with you while also making you laugh nonstop and never having a dull moment with him and reminds you to not take yourself seriously.


George is the type of boyfriend that is vey open with his affections for you by giving you kisses, hugs, cuddles, strokes your hair, holds you close to him 99.999% of the time and makes time to be with you.


Oliver would be the type of boyfriend who would unfortunately focus on other things *coughs* quidditch *coughs* and not spend as much time as he needed to with his girlfriend but would wonder why you are so upset with him most of the time while tears stream down your face LiTerALly telling him what is making you so upset.


Blaise would be a very chill type of boyfriend who appears to not really care or show interest in you but he is actually just really private and tells you everything that he fills when you are alone while staring up at the stars at night.

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