You tell them you're a virgin

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How do they react to you telling them you are a virgin? WARNING: not everyone is as kind and understanding as others when it comes to this topic so if this could make you uncomfortable, then skip. Being a virgin is nothing to feel bad about because once it's gone, it's gone forever. Never let anyone force you or make you feel rushed about it. That is yours and yours to give away when you are ready.

Harry Potter 🦉❤️

- feels awkward when you tell him

- "no rush, love"

- internally dying cause he hoped you would know what you were doing when time came 😂

- is a virgin too

- thinks it's nice that you saved yourself

Ron Weasley 🍗❤️

- "alright whenever you are ready just tell me"

- thinks it's kind of neat to be your first (& only! - Ron's thought shortly after 😂)

- begins to think about what it would be like

-  talks about it with Harry late at night

Draco Malfoy 🐍🖤

- laughs (but not making fun of you)

- "that's quite hard to believe, love"

- doesn't pressure you but does get more handsy from then on

- later finds out you were telling truth

- secretly is too

Neville Longbottom 🐸❤️

- is a virgin too

- "oh, well, that's nice..."

- blushes

- begins to daydream about how it will happen with the you two

Cedric Diggory 🧹✨

- offers to wait until you are ready

- likes the idea of him being the only one to touch you

- doesn't discuss it anymore cause it's not a big deal to him

- sexual tension!!!!

- gets mad when his friends make jokes about it (he told them not to tell!!)

Fred Weasley 😂❤️

- Grabs your hips

- "Well, we are going to have to change that aren't we?"

- jokes to make the sexual tension less awkward

George Weasley 🤣❤️

- "What are we standing around here for? Let's get to it then!"

- tells you he was joking and that it will happen when you are ready

- likes idea of no other guy had touched you

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