The Authority

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Matt, Jimmy, Zacky, and Synyster were suspended from school for a month. It was seriously no surprise about the suspension to their cousin Kaitlyn who felt as if they deserved it for their actions.

The main thing she enjoyed about them getting in trouble was how they reacted to her mom and dad yelling at them.

Matt always acted so tough and fearless, but when it came to him facing his Uncle Hunter he'd want to crawl under his bed and never come out.

For the rest of the guys, it was their Aunt Stephanie they were terrified of. That woman could lead an army by herself if she wanted to. She just had a way of intimidating you without even trying.

"We said we're sorry!" Jimmy cried, literally. With the lecture they were getting, who could blame them for shedding a few tears.

Zacky rubbed his watery eyes, "We didn't mean to put Dean in the hospital. It was just to get back at him."

"Get back at him for what?" Stephanie asked. Zacky looked at his brothers when he realized he just threw AJ under the bus. Stephanie grabbed Zacky by the collar of his shirt, "Answer me, young man!"

"AJ sicked us at Dean because he was trying to hook up with her and he already had a girlfriend!" Zacky confessed, in a panic.

"Dude!" Synyster yelled at him.

"I'm sorry but she scares me!"

Stephanie and Hunter sighed, "Do you really expect us to believe that AJ would put you up to something like that?" Hunter asked.

"No!" Matt answered, "She didn't. Dean got me mad so I told them to jump him with me. Zacky was just trying to cover for me. It was all my idea, Sir." he lied. There was no way he was going to let AJ take the blame for this, even if the plan was all her idea. Matt promised that he'd defend his sister at all costs even if it meant he had to take the blame.

Hunter looked at all the boys that were sitting on the couch, "Is that true, boys?"

They all nodded their heads.

"Oh you got to be kidding me!" Kaitlyn yelled, "Mom. Dad. What Zacky said was the-"

"How are you and your boyfriend doing Kaitlyn?" Synyster asked, knowing that Hunter and Stephanie had no idea about Kaitlyn's 18 year old boyfriend.

Hunter cocked his head, "Boyfriend?! Not on my watch, young lady. Boys, upstairs!"

"Yes, sir!" they all ran to Zacky's room and shut the door. Then they heard a knocking. Syn opened the door with caution.

It was AJ, "I heard you guys take the blame for me. How come?"

Syn closed the door behind them, "Cuz you're our lil sister, we have each others backs. You would have done the same for us, right?"

Ehhh... not if it meant getting yelled at by Aunt Steph and Uncle Hunter. "Yeah, of course." She lied. "I feel awful about getting you guys suspended though."

"Don't sweat it, Lee." Jimmy said, "That school sucks anyways. I don't mind getting a month off."

"But with us gone there's gonna be nobody to look out for you at school." Matt informed.

AJ grinned perkily, "I can handle my own."
-Union City High School-

AJ was sitting alone on the booths at the back of the cafeteria. She didn't care at all though, she'd rather be alone than make friends with any of these self centered morons. Especially, the thirsty guys who always hit on her.

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