Dean's Suspicious

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-Dean's POV to you guys!-

Alright, I have no idea what's up with AJ but I feel like she's ignoring me. Not that I'm attention seeking but y'know. She doesn't act the same way around me anymore. You guys know that she went an entire week without kissing me! Another weird thing was that she was trying to convince me to get some tattoos. Even though she knows I'm terrified of needles. Yes, I hate those sharp objects of death. Don't you dare judge me!

Anyways, when I used to ask her out on dates she'd get all happy but now... I don't know, man. When I ask her out now she always says stuff like 'Sorry, I can't tonight. I have a lot of homework.' or 'Babe, another time.' Or my favorite that doesn't make the least bit of sense, 'I have to go to my brothers gig to support them.' Like, what the actual fuck?! She told me that she hated those cuz she would always get stuck in a mosh pit and come out with cuts and bruises.

This has been going on for weeks and I don't know what to do. It's not like I could ask her brothers what's going on. They'd probably lie straight to my face. It's no secret that they still don't like me, they only tolerate me cuz they know that's what AJ would want.

I could always ask her friends. But they seem really loyal. Except Becky... I can tell that there's some tension between those two. But still... I feel bad about assuming things. What am I thinking? AJ would never cheat on me. She loves me too much just like how I love her. Gosh, Ambrose quit freaking out over nothing.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Hold up, you guys. It's AJ. I gotta take this. -puts you readers on hold for 20minutes-

Okay, I'm back. Like I said that was AJ calling. Uhhhh, long story short... she just broke up with me. So, yeah... I-I have no idea what to say except, this really sucks. It feels like my heart was just stomped on into oblivion. You know what, I can't talk about this anymore right now. Sorry, guys. I have to go.

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