Moving Out

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-3 Months Later-

This past summer break had been fantastic for both Dean and AJ. The only people at the house were Stephanie and Hunter who were always in and out of the house and Kaitlyn. Bayley ended up going on tour with the boys because Jimmy didn't want her to be bored at the house. Even Carmella and Paige tagged along with them, seeing it as a cool road trip experience.

Today was the day the boys would come back and AJ and Dean would move. She didn't tell them about the news when she found out for obvious reasons. AJ didn't want her brothers to stress out while they were on the Warped Tour.

Her bags were packed in her room and she was saying goodbye to Kaitlyn. "You're gonna come to New York to visit right?"

"Are you insane! Of course I will. But since I'm from New Jersey I'm going to wear my I ❤ NJ shirt when I visit."

"Don't get jumped." AJ joked.

"When are you going to tell your brothers that you're moving?"

"As soon as the get back." AJ answered.

"Did they even know I was staying here?" Dean asked, pulling his luggage.

"Uhhh, no. They left before I was able to tell them."

The front doors bursted open and in ran the boys, Johnny, Carmella, Bayley, and Paige. "That was the most awesome time of my entire life!" Jimmy bounced up and down.

"I feel like an actual rockstar!" Johnny screamed.

"It's cuz we are!" Zacky and Synyster both yelled.

"Out of all the hotels we stayed in, they only trashed 2." Paige said, "You should have been there, AJ."

"Yeah," Bayley said, "I've never head banged that hard in my life."

"I felt like Enzo on speed during those concerts." Carmella laughed.

"Now we can actually take a break cuz I'm beat." Matt looked down at the floor and was the only one that noticed AJ's bags, "What are those for?"

AJ looked at her brothers and friends. "Well." she began, "I'm moving to New York with Dean. He has pent house up there that we're going to be living in."

Dean flinched, thinking that her brother were going to jump him. He was surprised how they all seemed really calm about it. "Did you guys hear her or you're just trying to hold back the urge to beat me up?"

"Oh we heard you." Matt answered. "I just can't get mad though cuz then I'd feel like a hypocrite."

"Why?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Because." he sighed, "Becky and I are moving to Seattle."

"Since when?" AJ asked.

"Since we talked about it over the phone while we were gone. We want to start a new life and thought it would be nice to just move away and be on our own with Jade."

"How come you didn't tell us?" Jimmy asked, obviously sounding really sad about his brother and sister moving away.

AJ tried finding the words to answer, "I wanted to. I just-"

"Didn't feel like it was the right time." Matt finished her sentence because he felt the same way.

"But you guys seriously should have said something as soon as you found out." Zacky said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

Paige elbowed Synyster to speak up. They were both whispering to one another which got the attention of the group. "Something you'd like to share with the class?" Johnny asked them.

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