Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Here, there isn't much food, but I figured you should have some." I offered the bag of veggie crisps to Riley.

She gave me a small smile, "Thank you. I honestly haven't had these in years. Used to be my go-to snack." She popped open the bag, handing me a long green crisp. I accepted it, munching down. I was never a fan of them, but it'd be rude, considering what just happened. "Are you doing okay? That was . . . I don't even know what to call it."

"No," I shook my head, "I can't bullshit you right now, the last . . ." I pulled out the watch from my pocket. " . . . two hours have probably been my worst. Doesn't trump Dad's death, or Mom's way of . . . venting, but it sure is up there."

"It's noon? Feels like it was a lot shorter than two hours. Like within twenty minutes or something." Riley muttered, her face scrunching up.

"Time's being weird today. Why doesn't that surprise me?"

She leaned forward from where she sat. "Celina's taking Thalia's murder pretty hard." I look, following her gaze. Celina sat in a cubby of a doorway, her back against the closed door to the computer lab across the hall. She just stared off into space. I offered her the second half of the sandwich, but she just shook her head. She hasn't been very vocal since shooting Thalia. I just left the juicebox next to her, kinda as a peace offering. A withered pouch laid on the floor beside her, making me feel a little better.

"Garry wanted me to shoot her; Thalia, I mean. She was about to take the gun, probably run off or something." I began to chew on my nail, "Celina did what I couldn't."

The girl chuckled dryly, "Where to? The only way out of the room was through the door we were opening. What she did was stupid."

"I won't argue with you there. Thalia was giving me weird vibes the entire time, how she was always off by herself messing with stuff. Guess she was planning to do something like that since we entered that room."

"Garry said she used some sort of handmade claws to cut him. Pretty creative, even if it was used to hurt us." She rubbed her knuckles, probably imagining what they were like on her.

As Riley admired her imaginary claws, I turned to check on the others. Destiny and Luke were over with John, making sure he was okay. I had given Destiny the second, which she had shared with Luke. Garry, unlike the rest of us, didn't try taking a breather. He had his gun drawn, walking the hallway. Using the keys Destiny found, he locked all the classroom doors that he saw Infected in, making the entire hallway from the library down to the handicap elevator safe. Presently, he stood next to the body of the man in the suit, just staring down at him.

I patted Riley on the shoulder, "I'll be right back, okay? Just try and reserve your strength."

I stood from Riley's spot, walking up the hallway towards Garry. Bodies of both people and Infected had littered the hallway, blood pooling every few feet. I recognised too many faces, too many classmates. Fortunately, I didn't find any of my few friends among the fallen. As I approached him, the sound of distant gunfire and screams stopped me. You could hear it, it wasn't too loud, but you could hear it echo through the halls. After a very long minute, the noises stopped. Goosebumps ran up my arms, as I continued towards Garry.

Walking up behind Garry, I brought my hand to his shoulder. "Hey, Gar-"

Garry jumped, smacking my hand away as he held his shoulder. "What the Hell, man?!"

"Shit, the shoulder. I completely forgot! I'm sorry," I stepped back, feeling worse than I was, "I was just coming over to check on you."

He winced a little, pulling his hand away from the bandaged shoulder. "I'm fine, just stings a little. Skin's still tender there, and the disinfectant sure doesn't help the pain. You should know how that feels."

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