A Deal With Cthulhu

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We went to the local Waffle House to get some waffles and coffee

Cthulhu: There are so many different types of coffee here

Dave: Yeah well its nothing compared to Starbucks

Cthulhu: Ah yes the biggest coffee shop chain 

Dave: Yep

I had a sip of coffee and began eating my waffles

Waitress: Here are your 10 waffles sir

Cthulhu: Ah thank you, Here have a 10 dollar tip

He proceeded to hand her a 10 dollar bill

Waitress: You usually give tips after you pay

Cthulhu: I know

She walked away with the money

Dave: Where did you get that?

Cthulhu: The officer

Dave: Stop Stealing

Cthulhu: He was part of the reason we left there and walked more before I got my coffee!

He slammed the table and then began devouring his waffles as his tentacles pulled them into a endless maw of teeth that ripped the them apart

I began eating as well

Cthulhu: Mmmmm tasty yes I will like these waffles

Dave: What is your fav breakfast

Cthulhu: ∆¶¶\£ ¶•£

Dave: Huh?

He laughed

Cthulhu: It's a food from my world haven't had it in thousands of years, pretty tasty tho

Dave: What's it taste like

Cthulhu stroked his tentacles

Cthulhu: I don't know any human food like it

Dave: So it was truly unique then

Cthulhu: Yep!

He smiled and then devoured the rest of his food before getting back to his coffee

Dave: So how did you wake up

Cthulhu: Well when you jumped into the ocean you hit something that hit something that hit other things leading to something waking me up so I went to congratulate you on waking me and found you almost dead

Dave: So my luck is so bad that when I jumped to my death I not only failed I started the end of the world

Cthulhu looked...saddened by this

Cthulhu: You were gonna end your life?

Dave: Huh uh yeah I was planning on it after my ex dumped me and my mom died in the same month

Cthulhu: That waffle wasting little... Dave!

He shouted and stood up scaring me

Cthulhu: I have a proposition for you!

Dave: Uh ok? What uh is it?

Cthulhu: I will not end the world until you live a happy fulfilling life! And until then I will aid you!

Dave: Oh uh thanks?

At least he won't end the world

Cthulhu: What do you say?

He reached his hand down to me and I shook it

Dave: Yeah sounds good to me

Cthulhu smiled enjoying his new friend and I was just happy to have one, This would be interesting

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