Home sweet home

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After an eventful evening, Me and Cthulhu got in my car and went to my apartment

Dave: Don't you have a like a city?

Cthulhu: Underwater, you can't really stay there

And we have to live together why? Ah whatever

Cthulhu: So what's your home like?

Dave: It's not much but it's home

Cthulhu: Does it have multiple bedrooms

Dave: Yeah it's a 2 bed room apartment


Dave: Ahhh

He scared the shit out of me

Dave: Uh yeah it's an apartment

He then began patting my head

Cthulhu: You poor, poor human

Dave: Most people live in apartments

Cthulhu: No, most poor people live in apartments

Dave: Sorry if it's not up to your standards your majesty

Cthulhu: Well some apartments are...better than others, we will see

Dave: Uh huh

I guess it makes sense for him to be a bit...pretentious, he did use to rule the world

Dave: I still don't get it, how did me jumping to my demise wake you up?

Cthulhu: Oh that is because you have great luck, as I said it set off a chain of events

Or the absolute worst luck, which makes sense seeing as I seem to screw everything up

Dave: So, All mighty one, do you have any hobbies?

Cthulhu: Does murder count? I'm very good at killing things

Dave: I guess it does but like do you have nicer hobbies?

Cthulhu: I drive people crazy

Dave: Mmm yeah that's not really better

Cthulhu: Well what hobbies do YOU have

Dave: Uhhhh

Crying and going to work

Dave: I work at a-

Cthulhu: David, work is not a hobby

Dave: Well then I play video games

Cthulhu: Never understood the big deal of those, but I'm willing to try them

Dave: That's good

Beats having him conquer everything

We arrived Infront of the apartments and parked

Cthulhu: I hope it has charm inside

Dave: I'm sure it does

I walked over to the door and walked thru then went upstairs to my door and got my keys to open the door

Dave: What the...

Cthulhu: What?

Dave: My key isn't working?

Cthulhu: Oh my Azathoth

Dave: Who?

Cthulhu: God, anyways how do we fix this?

Dave: They probably just changed the lock I'll go get a new key

Cthulhu: Alright

He then followed me as I went to the office

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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