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———chapter two

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chapter two

A few hours later, Conrad had decided to go wake up Dorothea. He slowly opened up her door, careful to not make any noise and quietly shut it behind him. His eyes drifted to the sleeping teenage girl by the window. Conrad studied her, making sure he looked at every little detail of her. Her long dark hair laid messily on her soft pillows, her pink plump lips slightly parted, her long lashes sat gently against the under of her eyes. Conrad thought she was perfect.

He smiled and slowly made his way to the girl, gently shaking her. "Hey.. wake up Dorothy," he said as she started to stir awake.

Dorothea opened her eyes and looked at the source of the voice and smiled. "Hey," she said lazily and propped herself up on her elbows.

"Your mom told me to come and get you dinner."

"How late is it?" Dorothea's eyes widened when she looked outside slightly seeing it was pitch black out, "How long did I sleep?"

"Eh, about a good five or six hours."

Dorothea just shook her head and wiped the sleep from her eyes, "Alright, i'll be down in a minute."

Conrad smiled at the girl and lightly patted her thigh while standing up and leaving the room. Dorothea sat there for a minute and just stared into nothing before finally deciding she needed to get up and go to the dining room. She threw the soft duvet off of her and stood up stretching. She quickly cleaned herself up a bit and headed out her bedroom door and to the dining room. She took her seat next to Belly and everyone started to eat while making conversation.

Not too long into the dinner, Steven and Jeremiah started to laugh at something that was being shown on Stevens phone. Dorothea just rolled her eyes knowing that her mom hated it when Steven had his phone out during dinner or anyone having theirs out, she thought it was disrespectful.

"Steven, i swear to god, if you look at that phone one more time i'm putting it in the screen basket," Laurel scolded her oldest while Susannah took a lighter approach.

"It's just, we want to see your beautiful faces," Susannah said while picking up her wine glass. "Can dinner be a screen-free zone? You know, like the olden days."

Laurel laughed while Steven completely ignored what both Laurel and Susannah said. Dorothea is not one to care about what Steven does but right now he was being disrespectful to both their mom and Susannah. You don't do that when you're a house guest, it's completely rude and out of line. Jeremiah quickly snatched Stevens phone and tossed it into the screen basket ignoring Stevens protests.

"Boom! Nailed it."

"Okay, okay, okay, we get it. You've been working out."

"Oh, you're just jealous because Jere has a better body than you," Belly teased while laughing.

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