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''I'm so scared.'' I told my father we pulled into the driveways of my house.

''And why would you be scared?'' He asked me.

''I don't know.'' I replied truthfully, ''Mom is kind of scary.''

''She is, it's she.'' He laughed. 

As we walked into the house I looked for mom, but she was nowhere to be seen. She is an accountant, and a hairstylist on the side. Mom normally works from home,  but sometimes she goes to visit her clients.

I assumed that she wasn't home until I almost ran into her as I turned the corner to the hallway.

''What are you doing home so early Cora? You left not that long ago.'' She asked with a confused look on her face. She was dressed like she was about to leave to visit one of her accounting clients.

''Umm, I got suspended for a few days.'' 

''Excuse me?'' She asked, sitting her purse on a nearby table. ''What happened and how many days are you suspended for?''

''He said one day, but I'm not sure if that means today or tomorrow.'' I told her, ''And because Genisis tried stealing my boyfriend and was badmouthing me and practically being racist and-'' I started to ramble hoping that it would lessen my chances of getting in trouble.

''Why are you suspended if Genisis was the one talking shit.'' She asked, cutting me off.

''I kinda started a fight with her. She hit me first, but I did more damage.'' I told her, trying to hide my smile.

My mom immediately went to grab her phone, ''When did this happen?'' She asked while checking her phone before answering her own question. ''Never mind, the school called earlier and I missed it.''

''Yeah, Dad came to the school earlier.''

''Okay and what comments were made about you now? I need to know if I need to call the school.''

''She was just making comments about my hair saying that it was fake and that she deserved Christian more than I did.'' I started to play with my fingers as I spoke. ''She also said that she was just better than me in general.''

''And you're suspended for how long?"'

''Just a day.''

''I'll be right back.'' I stood in the hallway and watched as she turned around and walked to her office.

She was in there for a little while before my dad peeked around the corner of the hallway. ''How did it go?'' He whispered.

''I have no idea.'' I whispered back. ''I told her what happened and then she said 'I'll be right back'.''

''Ooh, do you think she's calling the school?''

''Probably.'' I shrugged. ''I wonder what she's calling about.''

Both of us turned when we heard mom's heels clicking down the hallway. ''I talked with your principal.'' She told me, ''You are no longer suspended.''

''Then, what am I?''

''Excused from school for as long as you'd like Cora.'' Mom said as she gathered her things. ''This was a serious matter and it was handled. You're not in trouble and the longest that you can stay home from school is today and tomorrow.'' She said before heading out of the door. ''I have to go before I'm late.''

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