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'Hetty, my partner won't stop sneezing. Can you please help him?' Sam requested.

Hetty grabbed a bottle from a shelf in her office, and walked over to a very sniffly Callen.

'What's this?' Callen asked when Hetty handed him the bottle.

'Something to help with your sniffles. You're not only annoying your partner, but you're also potentially infecting the entire office with your germs!' Hetty replied.

'It's just allergies. And I took something this morning.'

'You don't have any pollen allergies. And if your sneezing doesn't improve, I'm going to have to suspend you until you feel better.'

Knowing he was stuck, Callen took the medicine, and despite it tasting like horse radish, he later felt better.

'Thanks. Your horse radish worked.' Callen jokingly said.

'Ha! Well, I'm glad to see your sniffling didn't steal your sense of humor.' Hetty replied.

'Pbbt. Nothing will ever steal that!'

BTH Bingo 2: NCIS LA editionWhere stories live. Discover now