Chapter #14

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Dear Jodi

I knew it was all too good to be true, I knew I was foolish to think we could be together. But I want you to know that I have always loved you. Every second of my life since the day I met you, I have loved you.

Remember that time you came to pick me up at the hospital? We said we would start over, that things would be good. No, better than ever before. We held hands all the way out of the hospital until we reached your car. I remember the smile you gave me, it made me all warm inside.

You took me away from the one place I dreaded more than anything, you gave me hope. Oh Jodi, if I could I would tell you how much I love you. But no words would ever be enough to describe.

Then it happened, halfway out of town, remember? You looked over at me, smiling brighter than before. Then your face turned pale. That's the last thing I remember. Or no, I remember the sound of scraping metal against the asphalt. I got a feeling of warmth that quickly turned cold. But most of all I remember hearing you cry.

As I look back now I know there are things I could have done differently in our relationship, things I could have changed. Maybe then we would still be together? Who knows.

Still I want you to know that I'm not angry, nor sad about what happened. Knowing you'll be happy in the future is the only thing that gives me peace. I am aware that my last letter is one you wont be able to read, I guess I'll have to tell you about it when we meet again...

Yours forever

Karla Lewis

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