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The group looking for supplies had left a while ago. I heard someone say the boy with the goggles was named Jasper, and his friend's name was Monty.

I heard Wells and that boy bickering again. We haven't even been in the ground for a full 24 hours yet and they sound like an old married couple. The boy went on to explain how Chancellor Jaha is the reason why his father is dead. That his father begged for mercy before Jaha had opened the other side of the airlock chambers and floated him. After the boy had explained, Wells pointed out something on the ship. Someone called the boys name, John, another called him Murphy. Murphy seemed to fit him better, plus, I saw another boy earlier who was named John, so I guess Murphy is what some are calling him.

Murphy had threatened Wells, but made a spelling error. I couldn't see it with my own eyes, but I still found it funny. If you want to try and threaten someone, maybe at least do it right, right?

"You spelled die wrong, geniuses." Wells said.

""If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it." Bellamy followed with. I know it wasn't a joke, but it made me smirk.

Murphy quickly changed the subject and asked a question we were all wondering, "You're not really a member of the guard, are you?"

Bellamy shook his head, "No." he said before going on to explain that the real guards will be here soon if we don't stop them. After talking with Murphy for a moment, he said "Someone has to help me run things." The way Bellamy spoke was with confidence and determination. He doesn't know what put these people behind bars, but he didn't seem to care either. He decided that he was in charge.


Some time went by and I went closer to Bellamy. "I heard you talking with other people about running things here, am I right?" I asked.

He looked me up and down. Before glaring at me and deciding to respond, "What does it matter to you? You plan on just running off the the Princess when she gets back?" He said in a cocky tone. "I've seen you watching her and her little gang." He said, dismissing me.

"If you must know, I was asking because I'm fed up with her and her little gang." I paused, debating whether or not I should say what I was thinking or not. Before I thought more, it just came out, "Not to mention the way your sister is acting. She is hanging around them like she is their little puppy dog."

"Hey!" He said in an offended tone. "Don't talk about my sister like that." He demanded.

"Well, am I wrong? Miss Spacewalker, rescue me next." I said, quoting his sister. "I'm Y/n, and I just want to have something to do while we figure out if this planet is killing us or not."

Bellamy chuckled some, "Okay." He said plainly.

"Okay?" I asked, "What do you mean, okay?" I asked with an small, confused chuckle.

He laughed some, "Okay as in I'll get you something to do while you figure out if this planet is killing you or not," he said, pausing briefly, "that is, if you do me a favor." He said looking in the direction Wells went last.

"What is it?" I asked confused. For the guy who was trying his hardest to be in charge, what kind of "favor" does he need?

"Let me take off your wristband." He said, grabbing right arm. He looked at the piece of metal wrapped around my wrist, then back to my eyes.

"Why?" I asked plainly.

"Princess thinks she's in charge. We take off the wristbands, the Ark will think we are dead. They won't want to come down. The Princess won't have any power." He explained shortly.

I thought for a moment, but quickly nodded my head once, "Okay," I agreed, "how do you plan on taking them off though? Won't the Ark just think that they died or something?"

Bellamy didn't seem to enjoy being questioned, but he better get used to it. If he wants to be in charge, he is going to have a lot of people questioning his every move. "Or maybe they will think something killed us." He replied in a snarky tone.

A small smirk formed on my face, "Or you could make them suffer a bit first. Nothing too bad. But bad enough to make the Ark believe that everyone didn't just suddenly die."

He mirrored my smirk, "And what did you have in mind?" He asked in a softer tone than before.

The corners of my mouth rose up "Well, there are a few different things you could do, but the quickest, and probably least painful, would be holding people over the fire. At least their wrist anyway."

Bellamy's smirk grew as well, "Looks like the Princess might have competition for her title." He joked.


"What the hell are you doing?" A familiar voice called, which resulted in my eyes rolling. It was Wells. He needed to know everyone's business.

"We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?" Bellamy replied before calling, "Who's next?" With a smile. People cheered. I had only had my wristband on for a short time, but it felt amazing having it off.

Wells was mad that people were taking their wristbands off. He looked to me, "What do you think you are doing, following his orders?" He asked in a stern manner.

I was taken back some by the way he was talking to me. "His orders?" I repeated, "Sure, he took mine off first, but who do you think suggested the burning?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Careful Y/n, or the Chancellor of Earth will find a way to float you." Bellamy called out before coming closer to us.

Wells seemed unimpressed with being referred to as the Chancellor of Earth, and he showed that in his tone when he spoke, "You think this is a game?" He asked. He went on to say that the Ark doesn't just hold our friends and family, but our people. The farmers, doctors, etc. That we can't possibly survive down here without them.

None of the people around us seemed pleased with what Wells had to say. "My people already are down. Those people locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that." Bellamy explained, which, in turn, got the crowd riled up again.

Wells protested, saying that his father didn't create the rules, but simply followed them.

Bellamy spoke once more, "He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws." The crowed agreed. I couldn't blame them. Our whole lives we have been locked up one way or another. Whether in the ship and having to follow a million rules, or in the Skybox- Lockup.

I was lost thinking to myself before I heard chanting, "Whatever the hell we want! Whatever the hell we want!" And so on. Almost the whole group was chanting it, myself included, until we were interrupted.

A/N: Hello!! I am really hoping you like the story so far!!! I'm trying my hardest to make it detailed enough but not boring, yk? Lmao I'm sorry 😭😭.

Anyway, as I said at the end of last chapter, I was originally going to try and make each episode a chapter, but then the chapters would be never ending. So I'm hoping anyone that reads this is "ok" with it being split up like this!!!

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