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"You really love your sister, don't you?" I asked after Bellamy and I had been walking in silence for a while.

"She's my sister, my responsibility." He replied.

"Oh." I replied shortly. "You've never been in the Skybox before, have you?" I asked, changing the subject.

He stopped, "What makes you think that?" He turned to looked at me.

"It just, your demeanor. Everything about you. You seem like you want to know how we feel, but you just don't. It shows with your sister a lot." I explained.

"Listen Y/n, I see what you're trying to get at, but I'm gonna stop you right there. You don't get to assume that."

"But am I wrong?" I asked innocently.

He sighed, "No." he told me, "You're right. I don't know what it's like." He turned around to continue walking. "I just want Octavia to stay safe, and I know she wouldn't if I didn't make her." He explained to me.


We were walking in silence for a while again, before Bellamy spoke to me. "Why?" He asked plainly. Why? Why what? That could mean so many things.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why are you following me and my men and not the Princess and hers?" He asked.

"Honestly?" I sighed, "Because she thinks she knows everything, and you know you don't. Clarke seems like she is a good person, don't get me wrong, but she doesn't know what it's like when you aren't living in first class." I explained.

Bellamy nodded, he didn't say anything for a moment, and when he did, all he said was, "Okay."

We continued to talk in silence again, but soon Bellamy asked, "Why were you put in lock up?" I stopped walking. Really? Who asks that? "S-sorry. You don't have to answer that, I shouldn't have asked." He said, he was starting to ramble before I cut him off.

"Tattoos." I said. It would come out at one point or another, so why not now? It isn't like it was murder.

He looked confused, "Tattoos?" He repeated back to me. "Did you work at the Nasty Needle?"

I chuckled some. "Work? No. Someone who worked there would get a warning, well, they did get warnings. No, I ran the place. And please- never call it the Nasty Needle. We didn't name it that. People who didn't agree with it called it that. To try and get people to stop coming." I explained.

He chuckled some, "Do you have any? Tattoos I mean."

"Of course I do." I said with a laugh. "You can't laugh at them though." I told him with a smile.

"Why would I laugh?" He asked in a confused tone.

I pulled my leather jacket off, "Hold this." I told Bellamy, and he did. I turned around so my back was facing him and I pulled off my shirt, "Can you see them?" I asked. I covered my chest with my shirt so if anyone came by they wouldn't see anything.

"You mean the unicorn on the back of your shoulder?" He said, trying to hide a laugh.

I turned back to face him and playfully pushed him. "Yeah. That." I said as I started putting my shirt back on. "We did piercings too, the council really hated that." I said with a laugh.

"Why a unicorn?" He asked.

"My neighbor, she loved them. Her parents got floated and she was heart broken. I let her pick my first tattoo. It was before I ran the place, but no one had an issue listening to me when I told them that they were giving me a tattoo." I explained.

"Oh..." he said, I could tell he felt bad for laughing. "How old were you?" He asked.

"Thirteen, maybe fourteen. She was eight."

"Sorry for laughing." He said.

"It's okay. Anyone who sees laughs at first." I told him. "Now, we better get going before the Princess finds us standing around." I said with a laugh.

"You're right." He said, extending his arm to give me my jacket back.


We met with the rest of the group and started following Finn. Him and Clarke said they think they know where Jasper is.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy asked.

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy responded with.

"Hate to break it to you, but it's called cutting sign. We learn it in fourth-year earth skills." I explained in a joking tone towards Bellamy.

"Y/n is right. Finn's good at it too." Wells chimed in.

"Keep my name out of your mouth, Wells." I snapped to him.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn said. Hm, maybe he isn't as bad as I thought.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance. "What the hell was that?" Murphy asked.

"Now would be a good time to pull out that gun." Clarke told Bellamy, ignoring Murphy.

The closer we got, the louder Jaspers low moaning grew. Seeing Jasper had me speechless. He was shirtless, you could see where is wound was, but it was covered by something green. Jasper was held up by vines on some sort of post. How could one person do this to another?

"Oh my god." I slipped out before walking towards him.

"Y/n! Be careful!" Both Bellamy and Wells had called out. Man I should have listened. Before I knew it I had fallen into the ground. A hole that was covered by leaves, now holding me.

"Y/n! Get her up! Pull her up! Pull her up! Get her! Pull her up!" Bellamy demanded. "Are you okay?" He asked once I was back up to the normal ground again.

"Fine." I responded before looking back up to Jasper.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn said, referring to the vines that were holding Jasper up. Wells said he would go up as well, but Finn denied.

Clarke was watching Jasper, "There's a poultice on his wound." She stated.

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Wells asked.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing." Bellamy said.

"Or, maybe what their trying to catch is us." I said.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Finn said.


Finn was trying to get Murphy to go faster to help get Jasper down when there was a distant growl. "What the hell was that?" Murphy asked.

"Grounders?" Bellamy and I both asked at the same time.

"Bellamy! Your gun!" Clarke called.

Bellamy reached for it, but it wasn't there. Wells had it. Of fucking course he did.


A/N: Almost done with episode two! Sorry they are so long, but I hope they are good!! I have gotten feedback on almost all the chapters from a friend of mine and they say it looks good, so if it doesn't, blame them :,,)!!!

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