nineteen | The Aftermath

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ANGELA SINCLAIR HATED HOSPITALS. TO HER THEY reeked of death and disease, so she vowed never to enter a hospital again after the birth of her younger siblings. It seemed extremely fitting that Danielle Mayfield and her stupid heart would force Angela to break that promise.

"So, I've been helping Dustin plan a memorial service for Eddie," Angela says as she applies blue nail polish to her nails, "Granted we'll be like the only people in attendance, but Eddie wasn't the monster everyone thought he was. He was actually a pretty cool guy. I hate that it took a life-or-death situation to get to know him."

Angela laughs as she dips the brush back into the polish, "It's funny if you think about it. Eddie never killed anyone, and people labeled him a freak. You and I though, we're real killers. Except without a body, no one can prove anything so no body, no crime."

Angela looks up at Danielle's sleeping face, she looks around before leaning close to her best friend, "Okay we're not going to jail for murder, so you can wake up now."

There's no response, just the steady beats of Danielle's monitor which was honestly like music to Angela, knowing that Danielle's heart was still beating and didn't seem to be giving out hooked up to the machines.

"I thought that would work," Angela says leaning back, "Hm what happens when I say Robin's wearing suspenders?"

There wasn't a reaction from Danielle, but there was a laugh from Nancy who walked into the room.

"You're still doing that?" Nancy asks as she holds up a chocolate bar.

"Oh give me!" Angela exclaims before recalling that she was painting her nails, "Wait, don't give me."

Nancy laughs as she takes a seat on the other chair in the room, which was normally occupied by Susan Mayfield, but she was currently in her other daughter's hospital room. She'd been a wreck when she got to the hospital, and she honestly still was. But it seemed she was doing better knowing that her daughters were never alone and had plenty of friends that cared about them.

"Danielle listen to me, you need to wake up because your girlfriend has been making an idiot of herself in front of your mom these past couple of days. Like there is no way that she doesn't know that the two of you are dating," Angela says, "She called herself your 'best friend' like bitch? Who am I?!"

Nancy laughs.

"But your mom seems to love Robin. They've had dinner together. In the hospital of course, but still together. And I'm sure when you were like twelve you were like, 'Audrey Hepburn is so pretty' and your mom was suspicious," Angela says, "Because who actually likes Breakfast at Tiffany's? No one, I mean I do but I'm different."

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