three | The Case of The Missing Lifeguard

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DANIELLE HAD BEEN SITTING BY THE phone for the longest time, waiting for Robin to call. Hours went by, then Danielle slowly began to feel like an idiot. Of course, Robin wasn't going to call, it seemed far too easy that she had found someone that was interested in her. She abandoned her post by the phone and went into her bedroom.

She heard as the front door slammed and knew instantly that Billy was home. She didn't care though. She reached over to the radio beside her bed and turned the music up loud. Foreigner's song, Waiting For a Girl Like You filled her room and Danielle was enjoying herself until the lyrics started hitting a little too close to home.

Maybe I'm wrong, won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?

This heart of mine has been hurt before, this time I want to be sure.

I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life.

Danielle didn't let the chorus finish off as she changed the radio station. A Madonna song was playing and Danielle decided that she'd rather listen to that than whatever she had originally been listening to.

"Danielle," she heard Neil's voice call out, "Phone!"

Danielle jumped up from her bed and rushed toward the kitchen, taking the phone from her Stepfather. Taking a deep breath she pressed it against her ear, "Hello?"

"Dani!" Angela greeted, "Has she called yet?"

Danielle pulled the phone away and looked into the kitchen, where her mother and stepfather were preoccupied by whatever was playing on the television. She leaned to look toward the hallway where her bedroom, Max's room, and Billy's room were located and saw each door closed. She brought the phone back to her ear as she sighed disappointedly.

"No," Danielle says, her shoulders sagging, "I thought you were her."

"Sorry," Angela says, "Maybe she's busy?"

"Maybe," Danielle said dejectedly, "Honestly it's whatever. It wasn't that serious to me anyway."

"Come on Dani," Angela says through the phone, "I know you were really looking forward to going to the movies."

"It's not that big of a deal," Danielle says as she leans against the wall. It really wasn't. Though she was slightly disappointed in herself. She had created a plan for herself not to have feelings for anyone. She failed with Nancy, but it was worse with Robin, at least with Nancy she knew she didn't stand a chance. Robin had given her hope and that hope had just flown out of the window.

"Danielle," Angela says softly into the phone, "Do you want me to come over?"

"No," Danielle said, "It's going to rain soon and I'm so not picking you up."

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