Hit Me

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Jenna POV:

I knock on the door to Tay's apartment, and out pops a head with short, colorful hair.

"Kristina, right?"

"Yeah." She smiles, probably excited I know her name.

"Can we take a selfie?"

I sigh.

"Sure, love."

She pulls out her camera and snaps a photo.

"Right, can you get Tay for me?" I ask, as politely as I could.

"TAY!" She yells down the hall.



After a few moments, Tay appears out of her room and looks quite shaken.

I look around for Lynn, only to find her on the couch, watching us, while unintentionally shooting guilt at us.

I felt bad.

I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I ruined them.

I looked down at my feet and muttered a "Let's go." under my breath.

I walked out the door and Tay followed me to my car. I can't believe that this is happening.

I know I wanted Tay, but I didn't want to hurt her or Lynn, but I ended up hurting both, badly.

Hurting one of my close friends like that, and Tay, is something I can't forgive myself for, and I'm guessing Lynn won't either.

I'll talk to Lynn in a while, but it's too soon to try and fix things now.

"Bye Tay." Kristina says hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry, and bye Kristina." she replies, returning the hug.

I gently place my hand on Tay's shoulder and lead her to my motorcycle.

If you thought I had learned a lesson from almost dying, you were wrong, I'm right back at it.

I get on and motion for Tay to get on too.

She gets on the bike and puts her arms around me, and we drive through the night.

"Wait, where are we going?, you live upstairs...."

I smile to myself.

"I know, I'm taking you somewhere special. You deserve to get your mind off this shit."

Her grip tightens on me.


As we arrive at the bar, I let Tay get off the bike first before I park it and take her hand.

She looks down at our intertwined fingers, skeptical at first, but then she grasps my hand tighter, and smiles.

I smile back and we walk into the bar.

I order us drinks and tell Tay to go find us a place to sit.

The music booms in the background.

Familiar music, for that matter.

"This is only round one

I'll be wearing bruises

by the time that you're done

I'm a little sick

of the taste of your fists

There's so many other things

That I want on my lips"

No fucking way, Alexa's playing here tonight?

I excitedly get our drinks and hurry over to Tay.

"Tay! Tay!" I practically yell so she can hear me. "Alexa!" I say with a huge smile on my face.

She nods. "I know!" She laughs back, with as big of a smile I gave her.

That damn smile. How could Lynn give that up?

Oh well, it's my turn to admire her now.


Lynn POV:

It's been a week without Tay, and I think it's going well. I'm not totally alone, I've got Kristina around, and she's helping a lot.

"Hey, how you doin' sis?" She asks, hopping over the back of the couch to sit next to me.

I know I haven't really known her for long, but she's a damn good sister.

"I'm good." I say with a genuine smile, something I haven't been able to have in weeks. I thought it might be a good time to ask Kristina about growing up somewhere else different. I was feeling up for listening to some heavy stories tonight, and I was curious.

"That's good." She says, a bit down.

"What about you?" I ask, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm just thinking I guess, about when I was a kid."

Wow, I didn't even have to bring it up. Sweet.

"Do you need to talk?"


Kristina begins the story of how she grew up.

"When I was young, like 14, my foster mom told me about how my parents gave me up because 'They couldn't handle me at the time'. Then she told me I had a sister three years younger than me, and I was pissed as fuck. Why can they handle a kid now? I wanted to be there, with a family. I used to get bullied a lot, too. Kids would beat the shit out of me from 5th to 9th grade. By then I could usually beat the shit out of them instead, so they were scared of me." She added a small, sarcastic chuckle at the end, letting me know it wasn't over yet.

"When I was 6, my foster dad would beat me, but fortunately he left a year later. But anyways, in 9th grade, people just started ignoring me, which was almost worse than having my ass kicked every day. No one spoke to me, not one kid. I was alone. By the time I was 16, I started smoking weed and drinking alcohol. It was the only thing I could do. My foster mom never kicked me out, she was always loving, but never was really home. She was always either at one of her two jobs, or trying to make the best of whatever social life she had. Anyways, yeah. Fuck sorry, that was heavy. Fuck, I need a smoke."

She starts to get up, but I grab her arm and shake my head.

"No, Kristina."

She looks at me in confusion.

"It's going to be okay, I promise, that's in the past now. Your life is better, and getting better by the day. I'm here for you now, too."

She pauses, and looks down at me again.

Frightening me almost, Kristina tackles me into a hug.

"Thank you." She says, and with that, she prances back to her room.


Kristina POV:

Fuck, I can't believe I just dropped that shit on Lynn, she's got her own shit going on. I need a smoke.

I go and grab the weed that I stashed under my bed that Andy got me, along with one of Lynn's pipes I took from her room.

I lit up and took the first hit. Tonight was going to be a long night.



That's Kristina's backstory for ya. Now ya'll kinda know what's up.

I think.

I has ideas that I can't incorporate yet fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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