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"Alright children, grab a buddy and hold hands with them as we leave the classroom."

Children bounced out of their seats, running to group up with their friends the moment the teacher announced they'd be partnering up for a class project.

One stood at the back of the class, watching with anxious eyes as his peers partnered up with a buddy. Miyamura hated the buddy system; it was a cruel system for those who did not have a buddy to pair up with. He waited in the back, patiently waiting for the moment his classmates would realize he did not have anyone to pair up with and ostracize him.

A hand appeared outstretched to him.

"Want to be my partner?"

Miyamura followed the outstretched hand and noticed a classmate he didn't recognize. How odd. He'd spent months in the back of the class observing his classmates interacting and learning their names, yet he could not recall yours.

Hesitantly, almost like a scared kitten, he accepted your hand, keeping a light grip in case you were to pull back suddenly and say 'just kidding!'.

But you didn't pull your hand away. Instead, a smile grew on your face and your eyes lit up with happiness. Your grip on his hand tightened, almost as if you were making sure he couldn't slip away.

With his hand in yours you jogged up to the front of the class where the rest of the students were. Miyamura could feel the stares he got from his fellow classmates, but he didn't mind. Instead, he chose to focus on the feeling of your hand around his. Butterflies fluttered around his stomach at the new feeling. Miyamura noticed how oddly bright the front of the class seemed to be compared to the back.

 Miyamura noticed how oddly bright the front of the class seemed to be compared to the back

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For the next few days miyamura's eyes would follow you wherever you went. He admired how you talked to each and every one of your classmates without a struggle. He wondered if he could be like you someday.

As more days pass miyamura observed another thing about you. Despite you being friendly with everyone, you never really made any friends. You were always quick to change the topic when the subject of best friends came up. He wondered why someone like you wouldn't have any friends.

During lunch you'd sit with him and talk about things he didn't understand, but he listened anyway because you looked happy talking about them. He wondered if you considered him as a friend.

One day miyamura noticed gray clouds hovering above the school. He noticed how a cloud looked like butterfly and decided he'd tell you about it during lunch.

During class he noticed you were different. You were quiet and your smile didn't reach your eyes. For a second he was worried, but he chalked it up to you not having slept well. He hoped he could make you feel better when he told you about the butterfly cloud he saw earlier.

Lunch rolls around and miyamura is almost bouncing in his seat, rushing to finish his meal so he has more time to talk to you.


He looked up from his food, that was the first time you had called him by his name.

"Yesterday my mom told me we have to move away because of my dad's work.."

Miyamura stopped eating. He looked down at the food on his plate. Suddenly the food in his mouth tasted disgusting. He didn't know what to say, was he about to lose his only friend?

Scratch that, maybe he had gotten ahead of himself. He didn't know if you even considered him to be a friend.

"I don't want to leave. I like it here. I like eating lunch here, with you."

Miyamura looked up, seeing tears beginning to form in your eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to comfort you? What could he tell you to make you believe everything would turn out fine?

"I don't want to leave you Miyamura, you're my friend."


He couldn't think of anything to tell you because he didn't want to lie to you— he really didn't know if everything would be fine. So instead, he hugged you. It was a long hug that told you even if everything didn't turn out to be alright, he'd still be there for you.

You slowly wrapped your arms around him to return the hug. Miyamura tightened his hold on you, afraid if he let go you'd disappear.

You two were just kids in desperate need for a friend.

When you pulled away, the sadness in your eyes was no longer prevalent; instead replaced by a strong fire of determination.

"Promise me Miyamura," You held up your pinky finger, "we'll find each other again, and when we do, we'll still be friends, okay?"

Miyamura held up his pinky finger and wrapped it around yours. "I promise."

He left school that day with only one thought,

The front of the class no longer seemed bright.

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