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You watched through the car window as buildings seemingly blurred together. Trees bloomed with bright flowers, a symbol that spring was here. The music playing in the car was drowned out by your own music playing. The low rumbling of the bumpy car was almost enough to lull you to sleep— almost.

The excitement of finally being able to live a normal high school life was enough to keep you awake.

Your mother shifted the rear view mirror to look at you through it. She saw you staring out the window with your earbuds in and lowered the volume of the music playing on the radio. She coughed twice which caught your attention. "So.. are you excited for the new school year?"

"Oh.. yea, I am."

Then there was silence.

You nervously tapped your foot, not liking the awkward atmosphere that now formed in the car. It was beginning to feel suffocating.

The relationship you had between your parents was complicated. You love them, truly, but their manner of parenting often left you wondering if they shared the same love for you. Their work had them constantly moving around and part of you hated them for not allowing you to make permanent friends. Sometimes it seemed as though you were never meant to fit into their busy lives.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of an unfamiliar yet familiar house. "Alright, we're here!" Your mom exclaimed, attempting to rid the awkward atmosphere.

You exited the car and took a moment to observe your grandma's house. You know you've seen this house before, but now the memory feels like a distant dream. The house was surprisingly big for someone who lived alone. The windows on the second floor were open and the curtains were drawn which allowed you to see a room's brown colored walls—a nice contrast to the cream color that decorated outside the house.

You heard your mother call and quickly turned your head to see her unloading your things from the trunk, motioning for you to come over and help. Grabbing a few of your bags you walk over to the front door and set them down on the floor.

You raise a hand to knock on the door but are disrupted by the sound of a wind chime ringing. It's a soft jingle, one that makes you stop to feel the breeze that comes with the sound. The colors of the wind chime are faded, most likely due to the sun's harsh rays, but the melody remains beautiful.

Your attention snaps back to the door once you hear it begin to creak open, revealing a familiar face you're happy to see. "Grandma!" You smile and reach out to hug her.

She chuckles and hugs back firmly. "Welcome home! You've grown so much over the years!" Simply hearing her voice made you feel at home.

She helped bring your bags inside despite you repeatedly telling her she didn't have to. She would just wave you off and respond with 'I know I'm old but my bones aren't made out of glass.'

You followed her up the stairs and she showed you your new room. The room had brown colored walls, a bed, and a drawer. You place your bags down and look out the window, noticing this was the same room you had been looking into earlier.

You walk out of the house to see if you forgot anything, only to see your mother closing the trunk of her car. She turned to look at you with a sad smile on her face. You both knew it was time.

You hated goodbyes. Despite you having to say goodbye many times you never got good at it.

She walked over to you and gently hugged you. "I'm sorry.. I know your dad and I haven't been the best of parents lately, but we still love you. I hope you enjoy this opportunity and make lots of friends."

You slowly wrapped your arms around her, returning the hug. It had been awhile since you'd hugged her, and now it'll be another awhile before you see her again.

RETROUVAILLE | miyamura x readerWhere stories live. Discover now