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"Wait, did we need baking soda or baking powder?" You ask while holding the two small boxes in each hand.

Miyamura peeks over your shoulder. "Baking powder." He says while plucking the box from your hand.

It was early in the afternoon when Miyamura stopped by your home to drop off some cinnamon rolls. A few weeks have passed since the first day of school and it was common for him to stop by after school or during the weekends, occasionally bringing sweets with him. When you opened the door the first thing he noticed was flour all over your hands and face. He quickly noticed the messy kitchen behind you and asked what happened while struggling to hold back a chuckle.

You explained that it was your grandma's birthday today and you wanted to bake a cake for her and have it ready by the time she got back. One small problem though— you had no idea how to bake a cake.

"Thanks again for helping me out, and sorry you had to waste your Saturday doing this for me." You say while gently cracking an egg, letting the yolk fall into the mixing bowl. You peer inside, noticing an eggshell had fallen in. Grabbing a spoon you scoop it out.

"It's not a bother, really." Miyamura shrugs. "I didn't have any plans for today, so I'm glad I have something to do."

You watch as Miyamura expertly cracks an egg open with one hand, letting the yolk fall in without any eggshells. "How do you do it? Each time I crack it open an eggshell always falls in."

Miyamura chuckles. "It's just practice, watch." He grabs another egg and taps the side of the bowl with some force. Then with both hands he opens up the egg and out falls the yolk. "Now you try."

Grabbing the last egg, you tap the side of the bowl with the egg and get it to crack. Holding it over the bowl with one hand, you look to Miyamura for guidance.

"First, grab the egg with both hands." He gently grabs your other hand and brings it up to the egg. His hands are warm, the kind of warm that reminds you of being under your favorite blanket on a cold night. "Make sure one thumb is on the left side of the crack while the other is on the right side."

You nod, placing your thumbs on both sides. "Now you just gently pull the egg apart, slowly." He says, letting go of your hands.

You nod once again, gently pulling the egg apart as the yolk slips out without any eggshells falling in. "I did it!" You cheer, turning to face Miyamura.

He's already staring at you with a genuine smile on his face. You don't know why, but it makes your heart skip a beat. "I always knew you could. Now, the next step is to.."

You don't process what his next words are, you're too busy wondering why lately your cheeks heat up around Miyamura and how any sweet gesture he does for you makes your heart beat a little too fast. It's been happening too often and you're not sure how to feel about it. You snap out of your thoughts when he turns on the mixer, the noise echoing throughout the kitchen.

"Pass me the sugar please."

Passing the sugar to him, you watch as he slowly adds sugar into the mixing bowl. "While I'm doing this you can get the flour mixture ready." Miyamura looks up at you and you nod, quickly turning around to prepare it.

Miyamura had already set the flour in a bowl, all you needed to do was add the baking powder and salt. Looking at the recipe on your phone, you couldn't find the measurements anywhere.

"Uh, Miyamura?"


"I can't find the measurements."

"What?" He sets down the sugar, walking over to you and leaning over your shoulder to see your phone's screen. "It doesn't say?"

You shake your head, scrolling all the way to the bottom to find nothing. "That's odd, try adding two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and one fourth teaspoon of salt." He says before walking back over to the mixer.

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