[12. Golden]

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I open the door to see an emotionless Sam sitting on the floor next to it. She was staring ahead of her. Her mood switched just like that. I was enjoying her attitude.

The sun beams down on her from the apartment window.

"Is it me.." She asks quietly.

I thought I'd be ready for this moment, but maybe it's one of those moments you will never be ready for, you just have to go with flow.

I breathe in and out.

"Sam..come up." I say extending out my hand.

She turns around slowly still emotionless. She's figuring out wether she can trust me or not, so I give her a moment.

She seems sad, but she reaches for my hand. She groans while trying to get up. I knew she was hurt.

She stands and then walks into the bathroom, I leave the door open.

She stands there looking at herself within the mirror.

"..I don't see why Maxi, you could do so much better.."

I won't give her the chance to find a reason to replace the truth in this mirror. I won't allow her to find a reason to hate herself in this mirror.

I walk up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. I began to move up her upper body feeling for where the broken rib might be.

Her eyes grow big, filled with shock. I guess she's never been held before.

"Maxwell I-" Her heart's beating fast, she's nervous for sure, Cute.

"How dare you allow yourself to walk around here injured and not tell me? If you had continued moving on like this, it wouldn't have healed and you'd always be in pain or rather even allowing room for more injuries.."

Once I found the fractured rib, I shut my eyes. I let small amounts of energy flow my fingertips, not being able to give much.

She gives me a very grave look."I'm sorry, you weren't so well yourself, so I didn't bother telling you. I know you would've done it instantly but your energy was already-"

"No excuses anymore for that. Sam let someone take care of you for once."

"No Max, let someone take care of you for once. Give yourself a break. It wasn't only the ring's doing, you were overworked to began with. Today is the most you've slept since I've known you."

I can't really fight that. She's right. But-

"It doesn't hurt anymore.." She says slowly looks down at my hand.

"Good." I say almost losing balance. My energy is still regenerating and now my natural strength has to get back used to it. "You read me better then anyone else huh? You know, I'm so proud of you. You're doing what you need to for yourself, princess. I actually don't think I would've made it if you hadn't been there."

She places her hand over mine and leans back into my chest. I could do nothing but stare at her as she stared into the mirror. "No, if that ring hadn't been there, you wouldn't have needed me, Max. And no, I suck at reading people, I just think you forget I can feel what you feel. I still don't know why, you?"

She's confused, worried, scared..and yet I still feel like I can't do anything about it.

"Just give yourself credit for your breakthrough, okay? You should be proud of yourself. Hell, you even took one for me. I'm thankful to you anyways...and yeah I do know why."

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚎𝚞𝚜  (draft) |Where stories live. Discover now