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Caesar, Blue Eyes and an Orangutan named Pooga swung through the woods to look for their comrades, who were Maurice, Rocket, Luna and Luca. They had been lost in the siege. They feared that they had been captured, or worse......

Suddenly, huddled upon a branch was a figure. Shivering, whimpering and terrified, it was Rocket. They later found all the others, and there was much rejoicing.

However, the apes came across a fearsome force, the Colonel and his platoon......

"Apes! Get 'em!" They cried, and fired their lethal AK-47 rifles at the poor band of intelligent primates

The apes tried to climb the tree, but, the Colonel was to quick. He fired his pistol at Luna, hitting the target and letting her fall to her death. Now the apes were angry. Infuriated, Blue eyes attacked with his spear, slicing through the soldiers. 7 soldiers left. 7 apes left. This was it. Time for Retribution.


RETRIBUTION FOR THE PLANET OF THE APESWhere stories live. Discover now