3: Jasmine

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Jasmine fixed her hair in the mirror, making sure she looked just perfect. Her dress hung nicely on her body.

She wasn't too excited about the play tonight. It was just another chance to show off how talented her sister was. She was always more popular, and every time Jasmine did something academically amazing/outstanding/superb, Iris would just come along with some other great news about how fantastic she was.

When Jasmine was trying to celebrate her acceptance into MIT, iris just stepped all over it with her new boyfriend. I mean, they were perfect for each other, and it was great news, but Jasmine just wished that she could have one night to be celebrated, just her.

"Jasmine! Are you ready?" Her mama called.

"Yeah, mama! Be right there!"

She walked down the hall to her parents and they left. They took the subway to their school and went to the gymnasium where an elaborate set was built detailing he streets of 1950s New York.

The play began. Jasmine had to admit, the school had done an amazing job. And Luke and Iris were fantastic. Their performances were stirring, and the entire audience was sobbing at the end.

Jasmine dried away her tears before she went to go see her sister. Their mama had brought flowers, and so had Luke's dad.

Iris got the two bouquets, and they both got lots of hugs. They both looked exhilarated and flushed. No arrogance about them, just pure excitement.

It was their last performance, so they seemed a bit upset to be saying goodbye to play they had poured their blood, sweat, and tears into.

"Thank you so much for coming, guys," Iris said, giving us all a hug.

"Yeah, it really means a lot," Luke reiterated.

"We're going to go to our cast party now. Don't wait up! We'll be back late," Iris said.

Their mama pulled her aside and whispered something in her ear. Iris nodded and they hugged. Jasmine noticed Luke gave his dad a hug too after a quick and hushed conversation.

"Bye guys!" They called as they left. The families went back home and Jasmine got right into bed but couldn't sleep. She had been having trouble sleeping ever since she'd been accepted into MIT. She was leaving in less than three months and was terrified.


She was up until three in the morning, but didn't hear Iris come back to the apartment. When she woke up, however, Iris was home.

Jasmine filled in the blanks. After breakfast, she asked Iris to talk to her in private. They went into the former's room and stood there for a moment before Iris spoke.

"What's this all about?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I know that you and Luke... had sex night," Jasmine said, flushing with embarrassment.

Iris giggled.

"This isn't funny! You could get in a lot of trouble! What if you're pregnant?"

"I'm not, I promise. Mom and mama know about this. They knew our plan! I've been on the pill for a few months, and he used a condom, and I took a morning after pill. I promise you, I'm fine."

"Mom and mama were okay with this?" Jasmine asked in disbelief.

"Yeah! They trust me, and they trust Luke, too. They just wanted us to be safe."

"Wow," Jasmine said, abashed.

"Yeah, thanks for your concern though, sis," she said, leaving.

Jasmine stood in shock. She couldn't believe it. She knew their parents loved Iris more. If Jasmine had asked for birth control, she would totally have been punished!

It wasn't fair. Why did their parents like Iris so much more?


The next day, Jasmine cornered Iris.

"What's up?" The latter asked in concern.

"Have you talked to Luke about what would happen if you were to get pregnant? Or whatever?"

Iris looked at Jasmine with disgust. "God, Jazz! That is so none of your business! Why do you even care so much?"

"I'm worried about you. I don't want you to throw your life away."

"For god's sake, I'm not throwing my goddamn life away. Just because you're so perfect, doesn't mean everybody needs a plan for every possible outcome! I'm just trying to live my life! Leave me alone!"

"Oh, I'm perfect? Mom and mama would never let me use birth control!"

"That's because a stick is so far up your ass that you've only talked to one boy in the last four years! You don't know the first thing about relationships! If you didn't have that huge goddamn brain, you'd practically be a child!"

Iris stormed away, fuming, and Jasmine slammed her door hard. She started crying as soon as the door was shut. She couldn't wait to be out of this stupid apartment.


"Bye, Michelle," she said over the phone, and hung up. That was the last time they were going to talk before Jasmine was at school.

"Jasmine! The moving truck's here!" Her mother called.

She started picking up boxes of her stuff and taking them out to the moving van. Everyone else helped too. Her mama had just picked up the van, and her mother was going to drive her all the way there.

Luke was the last one to put a box in the truck, and then he stepped back and tucked Iris into his side.

Their mama was the first to kiss Jasmine goodbye.

"I love you so much, sweetheart. Call us, okay?"

"Okay," she replied.

Her mama then quickly kissed her mother goodbye as Jasmine moved to Iris.

The two girls hugged, tears leaking out of Iris' eyes. She gave Jasmine a letter and asked her to open it once she was alone. Luke said goodbye to Jasmine and then it was time for her to leave with her mom.

They waved as the van receded into the distance. Their mama was crying, and Luke was hugging Iris to subdue her tears.

Jasmine looked out the back window and saw her loved ones fading farther and farther away.


Dear Jasmine,
We've had a lot of fights and a lot of jealousy. We've had feuds and battles and full-fledged wars, but I love you.
Every time you've done anything amazing (which is all the time) I never seem impressed and I'm so sorry. It's actually because I'm so intimidated by your intelligence and capability that I can't even imagine being able to make anyone as proud as you've made all of us.
I'm so envious of you, because you're so perfect and smart and talented and amazing and I love you to death.
I know every time you've annoyed me you've always had my best interests at heart, and I appreciate that. I really do.
Though, I've got to admit, I'm really happy you're not in the apartment anymore! It's really hard living up to you.
All jokes aside though, I'm going to miss you and I know you're going to be a millionaire computer person someday. I'll learn the technical name someday, I promise.
Love you sis,

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