7: Jasmine

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"Jamie?" Jasmine called into the empty house as soon as she got home. "I'm back!"

"Jasmine!" Jamie cried, running down the stairs to meet her. They embraced and kissed.

"I missed you," Jasmine said.

"I missed you, too," said Jamie. "How was the wedding?"

"It was... it was really nice. Totally not my thing, but, it was nice."

"What do you mean, not your thing?"

"Well, it was just me, my parents, and Luke's dad, and then it was 5 minutes long, no reception... Just... It was too little, you know?"

"What does our wedding look like?" Jamie asked, pulling Jasmine to the couch and stroking her hair with one finger. "In your imagination?"

Jasmine smiled slightly. "We're too busy to get married, aren't we? We don't need a piece of paper to tell us that we love each other."

"Sure, but... clearly you've thought of weddings if you're so opposed to theirs."

"Well, I guess I just always figured I wouldn't get married, and if I did, it would be a traditional wedding; a white gown, and 3-tiered cake, a nice reception, yadah yadah yadah."

"That sounds nice... and what did... the groom look like?"

"They didn't have a face. Or a body. I didn't know if they were a man or a woman."

"Oh," Jamie said. They were silent for a few moments before she spoke again. "So, what does our future look like to you?"

"Jamie, we've talked about this before."

"That was years ago. How about now?"

Jasmine sighed. "I see us living here, still running the business. You and me in love for the rest of our days. Lots of travel... Maybe we'll start a college. I don't know."

Jamie nodded. "Does... do you see anyone else living with us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you see us with children?" Jamie asked, leaning away to look at Jasmine fully.

"..." Jasmine didn't know how to respond. "Children... were, well, they were never really part of the plan. For me."

"Oh," Jamie said, looking away. "Good thing we learned how to use birth control, huh?"



"Well, um... I was pregnant. After the first year of college, but... well, it died."

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Never," Jasmine said honestly. "I didn't want to upset you. Back then I still thought you were just a regular guy who would go running at the notion of commitment."

"Well, I wouldn't have."

"I know..." Jasmine said. They both looked away awkwardly. "Do you... do you want kids?"

"Yeah," said Jamie truthfully. "Can't you see yourself all plump with a baby in you? You'd get all round and I could pamper you, and make you nice dinners. We could have a little nursery. Don't you want that?"

"Honey, I will have a baby with you. But I won't be pregnant."

"What? Why not?"

"Don't you realize? If I was pregnant, I would be torturing you. I know that all you want is to be pregnant. If I was... it would just be cruel to you. We should adopt."

"Wha- But, Jasmine, I want to have a baby that's half yours and half mine, whatever it takes."

"It wouldn't hurt you? To know that you'd never be pregnant?"

"No, I promise," Jamie said, kissing her.

"Well then, let's have a baby."


Jamie rushed around the house, lightning candles for Jasmine's return. She was excited for tonight; their first time trying for a baby. She thought of the future, and it was perfect. One child? Maybe two?

Jasmine walked through the door, throwing her purse down on the desk at the front door. "Jamie?" she called into the house, taking off her coat.

She came running to meet Jasmine, kissing her. "Are you ready?" Jamie asked.

"No," Jasmine said, putting her head in her hands. "The meeting with Mr. Gillard didn't go well at all. Our stocks took a huge hit last week."


"People are getting a little bit bored. We need to upgrade our operating system. Face it. We're old news."

"Well, how can we upgrade it? What more could they possibly want?"

"No bugs have been reported, but we could try and clean up the interface with a fresh new look, and set a trend, you know?"

"Well, we can do it tomorrow, can't we?" Jamie asked, putting her hands on Jasmine's waist. "Right now let's just focus on us."

Jasmine exhaled apologetically. "Jesus, I completely forgot about tonight! This was the night?"

Jamie nodded, her lips pursed. "Yeah, tonight's the night, but, you know, it's not a big deal."

"Oh, honey, you put out candles," she tsked apologetically. "I'm so sorry. You put so much effort into this. Sure, we'll have a nice night... But tomorrow we need to be at work early, okay?"

"... Okay."


Jasmine looked at the test. "Nope, nothing yet," she called out to Jamie. She really wasn't as enthusiastic about the baby thing as Jamie was, but she knew that they needed compromise in their relationship. And it wouldn't be too bad.

She went into the bedroom to find Jamie, shocked, holding a calendar.

"What?" Jasmine asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Today was the pride parade. We missed it," Jamie said, crestfallen.

"Oh God. It was? I completely forgot. We've been so damn busy with the software update..."

"We hardly have time for anything."

"Yeah, we're busy," Jasmine said, the corner of her mouth pulling down sadly.

"Are you sure it's negative?"


"The test. You're sure it's negative?"


"Really?" Jamie jumped up in glee.

"Oh, damn it. I'm sorry, I meant that I'm positive it's negative. Bad word choice."

Jamie sat down dejectedly. "You don't seem too upset."

"Well, I'm not. Not really. It takes a while to get pregnant..."

"Not long enough for you. You don't want this as much as I do."

"I want this because you do. I love you. I want to give you everything you want. If I have to have a baby to be with you, I will."

"That just makes it worse!"

"How does that make it worse?"

"Your unhappiness is my fault?"

"But I won't be unhappy. I'll love whatever child we have. Promise."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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