83 - Home Again

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A/N - hey lovelies, just felt like updating and this chapter got really long haha total accident.. But I couldn't stop writing. Enjoy!! I will update again Tommorrow xx


{Zac's P.O.V}

Christmas break couldn't have come sooner. Getting to go back home, but this time.. I get to leave with my girl in my arms. It's actually really cool, HSC wants us to go back there and coach the last game which is in a couple days. Coach Watkins contacted me directly and asked us, which is pretty awesome. He's going on long service leave.

"Hey babe, where's the suit case?" I ask Cleo whilst she's in the bathroom.

"Umm top shelf" Cleo replies, as she walks out in a robe.

I reached to the top shelf and my shirt lifts slowly revealing my abs. Cleo puts her hands on them.

"How did I get so lucky" she laughs and then I undo her robe revealing her perfectly toned body. "I could say the same thing" I kiss her softly and then get the suit case down.

*knock knock*

"Yo?" I smile as Chad walks in grinning. Cleo quickly does up her robe.

"You guys are so lucky to be leaving this place for Christmas." He sighs. Chads from Australia so going home for a few days would be pointless, as half the trip would be traveling.

"Hey, it's alright Chad" Cleo smiles and hugs him.

"Hey man, you need anything let me know." I add on as he leaves.

"Thanks hoops" he smiles.

{Cleos P.O.V}

*that night*

Zac and I board the plane and slump into our seats. I wasn't a fan of flying to be honest, but it made it better when Zac was there. I get up and go to the bathroom about an hour into the flight, I hate flushing the toilets, it freaks the fuck out of me.

I unlock the door and as I walk out, someone pushes me against the wall of the cubicle and locks the door behind us. Both of us squeezed into a cubicle.

I was about to scream but the hand covers my mouth, and the other one of his hands grabs my inner thigh. I get shivers all over and I quickly calm as I know that only Zacs hand can do that to me. I grab his neck and he pushes me against the wall again feeling up my top for the bra strap, and for him to later to discover, I'm not wearing one.

"Not wearing a bra?" he whispers whilst catching his breathe. His fringe sticks to his forehead and his hairs all scruffy. Perfect. I shake my head whilst undoing his pants.

He stops slowly taking my hands away from his crotch.

"What are you doing, I hardly know you" he smirks, in his smartass voice.

I smack his arm half seriously. "Nah, trust me I would, but all the condoms are in my travel bag.. So you'll just have to wait for my sexy body for a couple more hours" he winks laughing.

I neaten his hair up and buckle his pants up. I kiss him softly, hands still on his belt and release slowly.

"Come on" I open the door, and thankgod most of the plane are asleep because that would have been embarrassing.

We head back to our seats and just cuddle until we land. I couldn't wait to see Dylan and Eve and Henly of course. But most of all my mom and Moe. We walk hand in hand out of the plane and everyone is there waiting for us. Dylan, David, mom, Moe, Eve, Henly and even Nash was there.

Before I could utter a word, Moe was in my arms hugging the life out of me.

"I missed you so so so so so much CeCe" she was wrapped around my neck as we greeted everyone else. We all headed back to separate cars, so Zac and I weren't together.. Which felt really weird. The whole car ride home I just talk and talk and talk about how amazing NYC is, seeing Dad and of course the car I was givin. Moe catches me up on all the grade 1 drama and all the amazing things she did, wow I miss being a kid and thinking everything was the best thing ever. Although now with Zac, it is!

*that night*

I spent all day with Dylan and my mom, and everyone of course. Just catching up and even seeing Matt and the rest of my friends from high school, it felt like I never left.

You ready?xx

My girl 💕
Be down stairs in 5 xx

Zac is taking me out for dinner but I have no idea where we are going, I hope it's close because I'm starving,

{Zacs P.O.V}

Cleo walks out and hops in the car looking stunning. Dressed in a tight black dress and of course her converse. I love this girl.

"Hey beautiful" I kiss her.

"Hey sex on legs" she laughs, that's a new one..

"So where are we going?" She smiles nervously.

"That's for me to know baby girl" I laugh, she does her cute puppy eyes. But nothing was going to break this surprise.

I was taking her to where we went on our first date. The diner. It was quite far away, but I loved talking to her and of course jamming out to the radio. I know the last time we came here it was horrifying, but it was kind of good she fell asleep on the way here. Cause she has no clue where I am taking here. And I want her memory of the place to be a good one now, of course it will be.. If she says yes that is.

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