1.Bad jokes and swimming lesson

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"Alright, Nialler, I'll call you back later. Love you."
I quickly hang up before walking a bit faster so I won't be late.

I have to stop at a traffic light and impatiently shift from one foot to another. I had to help Niall with a project for uni that's due tomorrow and now I am not sure I'll make it in time.

I actually need to study for an upcoming examination as well but I've just been busy with work and trying to get comfortable in the new flat us four just moved into.

My phone rings again just when the light turns green and I try to get it out of my pocket while crossing the street.

"Harry, sorry", Niall greets me, "Not uni this time but our annoying flatmates. Do you want pizza after work? Li and Zayn are already hungry now so they want to make sure we order early enough."

"Uhm", I say, having to think about my answer for a second, "Yes, please. I'll take a fungi."

I start walking even faster after taking a look at my watch and get a little out of breath already. I need to start exercising again.

"Why did the mushroom go to the party?", Niall asks and giggles.

"Oh, shut up", I reply with a smile, "I don't have time for your stupid jokes right now."

Niall just laughs into the phone. "Harry, that's your joke. Now get going and hurry, don't leave the poor kids standing. Talk to you later, I won't be bugging you anymore."

"I'm trying ", I shout over some car driving by, "We'll have to go to the gym sometime soon, I lost all my condition."

Niall chuckles, we agree on going to the gym soon -even though we won't- and then say our goodbyes and hang up for the second time in the last five minutes.

I fully start running until I finally arrive at the building the swimming pool is in.

Probably should've taken the bus but there's nothing I hate more than small spaces with a lot of people in them.

I push the door open and walk down the stairs. I made it, only one minute early but at least punctual. I'll just let the kids play a game more until I'm done preparing.

"Hi, Harry", Anna says and waves shyly. Her brown hair is tied back in a braid and she's carrying an a little too big bag for her size with her.

"Hi Anna, sorry, I'm a little late. I'll open the door of the changing room for you, are you the first one to arrive?"
She nods again. "No one else here yet."

I smile and fumble for the key of the changing room while listening to her talking about some audiobook she had listened to during her drive.

"But then", she now says and walks into the room, "The dragon flew away. It just left. I wanted to hear more but mummy said I gotta leave or you will have to wait for me. I didn't want that so I don't know what happens with the dragon."

I hide a smile and nod seriously. "That's nice of you, Anna. At least you have something to look forward to for after the lesson, right?"

She quickly nods and I walk to the little room to get some stuff I will need for the swimming lessons.

When I walk out again, I hear a few kids already chattering in the changing room and Jonah and his dad are just walking downstairs.

"Hi, Harry", Jonah says and waves. I wave back and smile. I know I am not supposed to have favourites but he's one of the cutest kids in the whole group.

He has light brown fluffy hair and blue eyes what makes him look just like his dad.

"Bye, daddy", Jonah says and tiptoes, waiting for his dad to bend down a little so he can press a kiss to his cheek.

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