2.Titanic and therapy sessions

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I shut the door behind me and slip out of my shoes and jacket. Considering it’s only October it’s already extremely cold outside.

“Hi, guys, I’m home”, I shout over the voices of the TV and walk into the living room. It’s dull, only the light of the TV let’s the boys’ faces light up blueish. Niall and Liam are both stuffing Pizza into their mouths while Zayn tries to get spaghetti onto his fork.

“Hi, Harry”, Niall says with mouth full and raises his hand with a piece of pizza in it.

I fall onto the couch next to Zayn and tug on his blanket to cover myself with it as well.
“Sorry I’m late, still had to wait with Jonah. Louis was late.”

I look at the TV where Rose is currently dancing with Jack on the ship.
“Again?”, me and Liam ask at the same time and start laughing.

“He was late again?, is what I meant.”
“We’re watching titanic again?, is what I meant.”

Liam, Zayn and Niall all nod as an answer to my question, staring at the television concentrated.

I grab the pizza from the desk and get comfortable before answering Liam’s question.
“Yeah, he was late again but it’s not his fault. He’s a single dad as far as I’m aware and he also has to work. Don’t blame him.”

Niall grins. “Defending your husband, as you should.”
I roll my eyes but smile and than start eating my pizza.

“Can you shut up for a second?”, Zayn asks and points to the screen even though we probably all know the movie by heart now.

Niall, Liam and me all scoff at the same time what makes Zayn chuckle but he doesn’t stop staring at the TV.

I pull out my phone because I can’t concentrate on the film any longer and go through a few messages while I continue stuffing Pizza into my mouth.

I don’t know why I keep finding myself reading over old messages Louis sent me. It’s not many and they mostly consist of:

sorry, I’m late

ugh, stuck in traffic again

ahhhh got caught up in work I’m so sorry

But there are also a few personal ones, the ones I might have saved under favourites because yes, I do think Louis is cute.

thank you sm for waiting with j again xx

thanks love, appreciate it

have a good evening :)

j loves your lessons, he’s already sad they’ll end soon

“Harry, why are you smiling at your phone like that? Is your mum sending you a goodnight text?”, Niall teases and grins.

I don’t answer and keep scrolling through the chat until he suddenly snatches the phone out of my hand, having climbed over Zayn who sits between us halfway and now laying in his lap.

Zayn just groans, still staring at the screen and tries to shove Niall of him without throwing the empty packaging of the pasta of the couch.

“Niall, give me my fucking phone back”, I shout and want to climb over Zayn as well but he’s pulled his knees up so I have no chance to reach Niall.

“Awwww”, Niall makes and grins, “Have a good evening. And than that emoji, he’s flirting, Harry.”

Liam leans over and tries reading a few of the messages as well before I finally make my way around the couch and snatch the phone out of Niall’s hands.

I’m climbing back to my place while Niall and Li won’t stop asking questions.
“Come on, Harry, admit it, you do have a little crush, don’t you?”

“Are you gonna ask him out?”
I quickly shake my head. “He’s really busy with his son and work. I don’t want to bother him.”

Zayn gets up without saying a word and sits at he other end of the couch what makes all of us laugh.

“What?”, he asks, „Not my fault you won’t stop talking. The titanic is going to go down and you’re talking about crushes?”

We all laugh at him again before Liam says: “Come on, there are like four lessons left?”
“Five”, I correct him.

“Alright, you have five lessons and you can’t miss your chance. You either ask him out or you’ll never see him again. Gone. Someone who could be your future husband, who knows what you’re missing out on.”

I frown. “When you say it like that, it sounds really scary, actually.”
“So just ask him”, Niall says and shrugs as if it was nothing.

I look at the screen to give myself time to think for a little. “I might. It’s not like I really like him, how could I, we’ve talked maybe an hours so far. It’s just like a hallway crush.”

“Amelia was my hallway crush at uni until I asked her out. It’s been a year and I’m gonna marry her. Maybe you’ll be missing out on something”, Niall says and than gets up to get a bag of crisps from the kitchen.

“Okay, guys, the therapy session is over”, Zayn says, “We’re watching the film now then you’ll have something to cry about.”

We laugh about his comment but then really shut up and concentrate on the film. By the end we’re all crying, the bag of crisps is empty as well as the box of tissues.


“No, thank you”, I say and look at the food Niall made, “I don’t know what this is supposed to be, but I won’t  eat it. I’d rather starve.”

He scoffs but looks a little disgusted himself when looking at his creation.
“Not going to lie, the photo in the recipe looked a little more professional.”

We both chuckle and I walk to the fridge to pick something else to eat.
“This was not worth waiting for”, I say and point to the pot, “I’ll be late for work again.”

“Ugh, I know”, Niall answers, “I thought it would turn out better. Then hurry, I don’t want you to leave Jonah and the love of your life standing.”

I roll my eyes and stuff a little of the left over pizza from two days ago into my mouth before getting a glass of water from the pipe.
“Ask him.”

“Shut up.”
Niall puts a little of his food onto a plate and glares at me. “You will ask him out. “ He makes a little pause after every word, trying to sound scary, but the disgusted look he gives his plate makes me laugh.

“I might”, I say, “If he says no I won’t exactly be heartbroken and I’ll never see him again.”
Niall nods, looking like a proud mum. “Exactly.”

He then continues to try to eat his food but it sounds like he’s going to throw up when he takes the first bite.
“Tastes”, he says and makes a long pause to swallow his bite with a loud gulp, “Interesting.”

I laugh at him and watch him trying to eat another bite.
“Is there still any pizza left?

I roll my eyes because I have to share my food but dump the rest of the pieces onto the table.
“There you go. I have to leave anyways.”

He happily stuffs the pizza into his mouth.
“Have fun. And say my greetings to Jonah. And your hubby too, obviously.”

I laugh and then walk to the hallway and put on my shoes and jacket as well as a beanie because of the weather.

“Bye, Niall”, I shout and step out into the hall.
“Bye and ask him!”


chapter two:)

thank you for reading<3

hope you like it so far, it'll get a little exciting soon

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