23. Perfect player and paybacks

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"So he just fucking left you standing?", Louis shouts and gasps dramatically.

I giggle and stuff a piece of chocolate into his still opened mouth.

"Drama queen", I say, "Yes, he did. That was more than five years ago, I'm over it. Got into a new relationship like two months later so I suppose it wasn't that bad."

He chews the chocolate and grins. "You were a real player, huh?"

I slap his arm and roll my eyes. "Maybe, kinda. Until I turned twenty, then I stopped dating pretty much."

"Until this pretty, hot guy came along and you couldn't resist."

I laugh loudly and the way Louis looks at me- as if he really, really liked me- makes butterflies appear in my tummy.

"Hey, why are you laughing at that? Am I so far from pretty and hot that you think it's ridiculous?"

He hides a smile and pouts and I know he's just joking but I still feel the need to kiss him on the mouth really quick and mumble: "Way more than pretty and hot. Funny and beautiful. Adorable and generous. Kind and loving. Perfect, really."

He blushes a little and chuckles. "Stop it, player."

I laugh and he grabs my neck to pull me in closer before smashing our lips together.

I don't ever not want to be close with him anymore, I never, ever want to be apart from him anymore.

I want him to be mine, I want to be his.

That's all I can think about while his lips are on mine and his hands in my hair and neck, my hand on his back and waist.

He pulls away. "You're the perfect one here."
I roll my eyes. "Maybe we're both perfect."

"Perfect together?"
I nod. "Yeah", I whisper, "Probably."

He pulls me in so my head is laying on his chest and his chin is resting on my hair.

I feel like I hear his heartbeat and maybe it's a little faster and louder than it would usually be.

Maybe he feels the same about me like I do about him.

Maybe he's in love, too.

I don't know how long we lay there, in complete silence and comfort, just being there with each other, listening to each other breathing, feeling each others heartbeat, watching the other just lay there, just be there.

"This was the best hour of my last week", Louis whispers and I look up at him to see him smiling down to me.

"I'd say the best hour of the last month", I say, "But last week was pretty good, too."

When it's getting late and we finished the bar of chocolate, we decide to continue the movie I started.

"So the guy is famous and the girl just kinda meets him at the bus stop one day. She's kind of weird and doesn't know he's famous so she treats him like shit and that makes him fall in love with her", I summarize the bad plot twist.

"Interesting", Louis says and chuckles, "Well, then, let's watch it."

I nod and turn on the TV. Louis tries to get comfortable despite his cast and after a few minutes of shuffling, he ends up with his head on my lap. My hands immediately move to play with his hair and stroke over his head in regular motions. There's something really comforting and personal, having him so close to me.

Towards the end of the movie, Louis can't keep his eyes open anymore and I watch him drift of to sleep.

He looks cute like this. Pouting in his sleep, his eyelashes fluttering a little and his hair falling into his forehead.

I might watch him instead of the screen the whole time so by the end, I have no idea if the guy actually got together with that girl, but I couldn't care less.

When the credits are rolling, I turn of the TV, sit up and carefully slip out under Louis before I wrap an arm around his waist and one around his chest.

I pick him up and he mumbles something I can't understand.
He doesn't really seem to wake up again so I drop him onto the bed carefully before pulling the blanket up to his chin.

He looks so soft like this, exhausted and tired but still so pretty and peacefully.

I quickly head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and slip out of my clothes. I put on some old shirt to sleep in and tiptoe back to our room. My room.

I quietly close the door behind me and slip under the blanket with Louis.

I watch him for a little longer, trying to remember just how beautiful he is before I turn of the light.

I snuggle closer to him and kiss his forehead softly, trying not to wake him up.

"I'm so glad to have you, babe", I whisper and I'm kind of glad, he didn't hear, because babe? Where did that come from?

"'m glad to have you too, my love", he mumbles before his breath goes back to normal.

And it feels a little as if he woke up just to tell me that.

When I wake up again, Louis is gone. He either just went to the toilet or had to head back home to Jonah. I hope he's still here; I don't want this weekend to end yet.

I roll over and my head is laying on the pillow, Louis slept on last night. It smells like him. Like his perfume and his shampoo. It smells a little like home.

The door opens and I'm happy to see Louis standing on the doorstep.

"Morning, Haz. Fancy some breakfast in bed?"

I only now realize Louis is walking on only one of the crutches while he's carrying a tray full of breakfast in his other hand.

I want to get up and help him but by then, he already placed the tray in my lap and sat down next to me.

"You silly", I say, "You're hurting your leg."

He just shrugs and moves closer to me.

"Feel so guilty, you did so much for me. Needed to take care of you for once. And you looked so peacefully asleep, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up."

I smile and pull him in.

"Aw, you idiot. It's not a competition, babe. You're injured, take it slow."

There it is again. Babe. As if he was mine already, as if I could do that yet.

He smiles. "I quite like the 'babe' part."


"And I know that, the taking it slow. It's just that I really, really feel bad when I can't pay you back at all. I know it's not a competition, I know you don't expect it but I want to, I really do."

I kiss him, a little too forcefully maybe, but I don't know how to show him how much I like him.

"Maybe you could pay me back", I mumble and wink, definitely formulating it as a joke.

Louis just kisses me back more. "Maybe", he breathes, "But only if you eat your breakfast first. Prepared it just for you."

I do eat my breakfast. And if he paid me back in any way afterwards, nobody has to know.


hope you liked it hihi

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