Chapter Four: Decade of Loneliness

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Kitsune looked up at the clock for the fifth time that night. "You good?" A voice made her jump. She turned around, and was instantly greeted by a blue-eyed fox standing very close to Kitsune. "Oh hey Lila." Kitsune said, avoiding the question.

Lila looked at Kitsune, worry clouding her eyes. "You've looked at the clock, around five times today." Kitsune started to shuffle away, but Lila stepped over to Kitsune. "Kitsune, you can tell me anything." Kitsune slowly stepped back from Lila. "It's fine Lila, nothing's the matter." Lila stared at Kitsune as she slowly backed away from the gray fox.

Kitsune walked over to Sammy, fear clouding her thoughts. "Hey, Sammy?" Sammy looked up from the book he was reading. "Yeah?" Sammy stood up and, put the book on the table. "What's up?" He walked over to Kitsune. "I know this might not be something you're up to but, can you help me find some spare parts?" Kitsune asked, rubbing the back of her head. "Oh sure!" Sammy replied.

Kitsune glanced at the sign on the door. "Well, that didn't take very long." Kitsune remarked. "What are you-" Sammy began. "Sorry, we looking for?" Kitsune rolled her eyes. "Uhm, endoskeletons." Kitsune replied. "Oh okay, and why do you need them?" Sammy asked. "I-I rather not say." Kitsune said as they walked through the door to the Parts and Services.

Kitsune and Sammy looked around for spare endoskeletons. "You find any?" Sammy asked Kitsune, his voice muffled by costumes. "No not yet." Kitsune replied. Sammy backed out of the costume box. Before he could reply, the door to the Parts and Services closed shut, and it clicked not far after.

Kitsune pricked her ears and ran over to the door, pounding on it. "FUZZ IF THIS IS ONE OF YOUR SICK TRICKS I SWEAR-" She shouted. Sammy ran over to Kitsune. "Kitsune calm down!" He said, putting his hand on her shoulder. Her tails lashed, accidently swatting Sammy. Kitsune's ears swiveled at the roar of a truck in the parking lot. She tried the doorknob again. "Oh no, no no no no no-" She said, starting to pace while Sammy tried to calm her down.

"Kitsune calm down." He said, trying to calm Kitsune down. "Kitsune!" He stepped in front of Kitsune, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Calm down, take a breather." Kitsune stopped pacing and looked at Sammy, fear and worry clouding her eyes. "Sammy, I'm worried." Kitsune said. "I don't think this was Fuzz's idea." Sammy walked over the door, trying to get the knob to budge. He froze for a second, uncertainty pushing away his thoughts.

Kitsune walked over to a wall and sat down, burying her head in her hands. Sammy growled and punched the door. "The only people who are here would never do this." Sammy sighed. "Fuzz would've unlocked the door an hour ago." Kitsune looked up at Sammy. "I agree, and Lila would never lock the door unless absolutely needed."

Sammy swished his tail and walked to the very back of the Parts and Service. "Hey look what I found!" He pulled out a box of endoskeletons in the very back, behind a shelf. "These endo's are really small." He remarked. Sammy set down the box, sitting down opposite to Kitsune. The white fox dug around in the box, pulling out an endo head. "Yes, jackpot!" She whispered. 

Kitsune darted back to where Sammy found the endo's. She pulled out small costumes of the gang. "Look!" Kitsune said, her tails swishing. She set the box down next to the endo's. Sammy tried to ask what she was doing, but Kitsune had already been lost in her task.

Five Years Later...

"Finally!" Sammy jumped, confused from the sudden shout. He shook his head, feeling slightly dizzy. Kitsune rushed over to Sammy, holding something in her hands. "I finished what i started five years ago!" Kitsune said happily. She showed him a ragdoll version of Fuzz. It had a crooked grin, with button like eyes that stared blankly. "It's a doll that look's like Fuzz." Sammy said, slightly confused, but glad that Kitsune found joy. "Watch what happens when i toggle them on." Kitsune said, reaching for a switch at the back of the doll's neck.

The Fuzz-Doll looked around at Kitsune, then Sammy. "The storage room, correct?" It said, sounding unsure of itself. Sammy nodded, feeling a little more relaxed. "Oh, hey Samuel!" The Fuzz-Doll said, scratching the base of one of it's long rabbit ears. Sammy glanced up at Kitsune's pink bowtie. The Fuzz-Doll had started off running through the storage room, Kitsune not far behind.

Five More Years Later... (lol)

Sammy looked around, unable to get any sleep. Kitsune was sitting beside him with the doll close to her side. Suddenly the doorknob rattled. Kitsune woke up, her ears twitching. "Go to the shadowy corner!" She whispered. They ran over to the dark corner, crouching down. Sammy heard a muffled "Oh, it's locked." through the door. It swung open, and a yellow Freddy walked through.

"Alright Goldie, where are the spare parts?" The yellow bear said, who Sammy presumed was called Goldie. The bear glanced in Sammy and Kitsune's direction. Sammy gasped, jumping back. The golden bears eyes were pitch black, and pure white pupils. "Whoa holy cow!" Goldie jumped.

Oh crap. Sammy thought.

Kitsune stood up, and confronted the golden Freddy. Goldie stared at Kitsune, confusion flashing in his eyes. "I'm sorry, where'd you come from?" The yellow bear said. Kitsune clutched the Fuzz-Doll. "I don't know how to answer that, Who are you by the way?" Kitsune replied. Sammy stood up, questions swirling through his head.

Who is this bear?                                                                                                                                                                       Are they from Fredbear's Family Diner?

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