The story of Shiki Ryougi

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No one's pov:

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No one's pov:

A young girl with raven hair and coal black eyes woke up early in the morning. It's her fourth birthday. That means she'll have to go through a near death experience to awaken the clan's kekkei genkai.

She can't afford to fail. She has to do it somehow. Her father is the clan head and if she doesn't awaken her eyes, she'll die, disappointing her father.

There are too many expectations on the four years old girl, and she can't let anyone down.

Ever since she was one year old, she's been receiving special training to be a ninja assassin. The final step of the training is awakening the mystic eyes of death perception.

Or die failing.

Today is the day, she'll become a ninja, an assassin. After that, she'll be trained to do clan works for in hopes of taking over the position as the clan head.

She sighed. Hope she'll come back alive with the new eyes.

She took a bath and had breakfast. She put on her new bluish purple kimono and went to where she'll be awakening her eyes.


She mentally screamed while keeping a calm and collected face outside. She unconsciously gripped on the handle of the knife, that is strapped on the belt around her waist.

Oh right. She's the clan head's daughter. They are here to see her excellent performance.

Every single person of the clan is present in front of the stage.

She went on to the stage and nodded to her father telling him that she's ready.

She knows the procedure. She had seen people awakening their eyes before.

She went to the table and laid down, closing her eyes waiting for her death. A man came to her with a katana.

Without wasting another second, he stabbed her chest.

Shiki's eyes widened and she coughed out blood. The man stabbed her five times before backing away.

Shiki started bleeding badly. After three minutes, her heartbeats become faint and eventually stopped.

Everyone stared at her expectedly. She did not only come face to face with death, but touched death as well. Which is a rare case.

Will she wake up in next one hour? Or will they have to prepare another funeral?

The crowd watched in complete silence. After a fifteen minutes or so, Shiki jolted up with a gasp and her body covered in blue and violet aura.

Her injuries started to close. She stood up and slowly opened her eyes. Her irises were the hues of pale blue.

She awakened the mystic eyes of death perception.

She stood still for a second before panicking.

All she can she is glitching lines of black and red. Everywhere she looks, she saw the lines.

Everyone saw her panicking and tried to approach her wanting to calm her down.

Big mistake.

Her eyes widened.

To her, the people looked like black silhouettes with red lines on their bodies. She thought what every four year old kid would think.

'Monsters. I should kill them and save the village.'

She took out her knife from her waist belt and charged at the crowd at inhumane speed.

No one could see her movements and they didn't get the chance to turn on the mystic eyes.

It was all over in 30 seconds. Everyone laid on the ground, slashes on their bodies, dead.

Shiki slowly calmed down and turned off her eyes, only to scream at the sight before her.

Every member of the clan is killed, killed by someone who should be protecting them.

Her eyes activated again. Pale blue turned into the hues of violet and light blue.

Now she can see everything clearly with the black lines and points. She looked around.

Surrounded by corpses and blood. She ran as fast as she can.

Strangely, she didn't feel guilty at all. Maybe because of the training she went through.

She was taught to kill without second thoughts.

She only felt sad. Sad that she won't be seeing her family again. Tears started to flow down from her glowing eyes.

Before she knew it, she was in a forest. She sat down under a tree and started sobbing.

She didn't deactivate her fully matured mystic eyes.

She continued to cry until someone approached her wearing a black cloak with red clouds.

To be continued...

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception~An Akatsuki fanfiction (Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now