Meeting the Akatsuki leader

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The girl suddenly looked to her side and saw someone... unique. He was half black and half white, with a Venus trap like thing.

Her mystic eyes are still blazing brightly in the mid noon. She could see the death of the man infront of her. The glitching black lines inviting her to slash through them.

She stood up, wiping her tears and looked up at the man, deactivating her eyes.

"Umm... Who are you, mister?" She asked shyly. She's never been the best to interact with people.

But the man seems to like the girl's shy look as the white part's cheek turned pink.

'She's so cute. I'm gonna bring her to the base.'

"My name is Zetsu. What's your name? Why are you sitting here alone?" He asked.

The girl decided to answer truthfully. What could she lose anymore? Maybe her virginity, or in worst case scenario, her life.

She didn't care anymore.

"My name is Shiki. Shiki Ryougi. I awakened my eyes today and in a panic, I killed all my clan people. When I came back to my senses, everyone was killed. I didn't want to stay there anymore, so I ran away." The girl said.

This caught the attention of black Zetsu, who was letting the white Zetsu deal with everything.

"Why do you say that like it's nothing? Don't you miss your parents?"

"Hey it's not nice to ask something like that." White Zetsu frowned, then looked at Shiki. But before he could speak, Shiki said.

"No, not really. I mean we're trained assassins. You can't stay sad after you kill someone. They would have to die one day anyway. It's happened so sooner than I expected. That's all."

The white Zetsu sighed.
"Okay? Umm... where are you planning on staying then?"

Shiki shrugged. "I don't know."

"How about you come with us? I'll take you to our leader." Zetsu said as he began to walk away.

She stood there thinking about the consequences of following this strange man who appeared out of nowhere.

She's a full fledged assassin. Recently killed her clan. Seems to regret nothing. Yup. Nothing. She's only four years old. She decided to follow.

"Your leader?" She asked curiously. Is this man a part of an organisation or something?

"Yes. Pein-sama is the leader of the Akatsuki. Alongside me and Pein-sama, there are nine others. Pein-sama can be cold at times, but don't worry. The others are super nice...."

White Zetsu began talking till they reach the entrance of a tower. Shiki was twitching a little annoyed that she had to walk through the rain. But she isn't all that wet, so she decided to keep quiet.

They entered the tower and began heading upstairs. Zetsu is quiet, but Shiki can sense excitement in his eyes.

When they reached infront of a door, he turned to her.

"This is his office. Don't be scared. He can be scary but he's a nice person in heart." Zetsu explained.

Shiki doesn't understand half of the things that's going on in her life after the clan's massacre, so she just nodded dumbly to everything Zetsu said. I mean, it can't be that bad right.

Zetsu took a dramatic deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." They heard a deep, yet muffled voice from inside.

"That's our cue." Zetsu whispered and held her hand. He opened the door and entered with Shiki.

Inside behind a table, a man with orange hair and many piercings sat doing paperwork. Beside him was a purple haired woman arranging the papers.

"Zetsu you're back. How was the-oh?" Pein noticed the kid beside Zetsu.

Konan looked up noticing the cause of leader's interruption.

A cute black haired girl, shuffling uncomfortably under all the sudden attention.

Shiki thought only the man's personality was scary. But this? He's overall scary. Both in appearance and personality. And Zetsu didn't mention anything about the purple haired lady standing beside the leader.

And when they suddenly noticed him, she unconsciously started squirming under their gazes. For a moment there, she forgot that she's an assassin.

"Zetsu, who's the kid?" Pein's cold voice boomed.

Shiki almost flinched. Zetsu noticed this and frowned.

"Her name is Shiki Ryougi. She killed her clan and was inside a forest when I found her. She had nowhere to go so I brought her here." Zetsu said.

Pein and the lady, Konan kept their neutral faces. But inside they are shocked. They know about the Ryougi clan and how tough they are. To kill all of them? This single kid?

Konan was having another thought as well. She looked cute. And vulnerable. She wanted to keep the child.

"Zetsu can you leave us alone for a moment? I'll call you in when I'm done talking to the kid." Pein said without taking off his eyes from the girl.

Zetsu looked at Konan. She nodded that everything will be okay.

Zetsu nodded back and disappeared into the ground.

The three stood in an awkward silence.

Shiki snapped back into reality and her instincts kicked in. The man standing infront of her is dangerous, from what she gathered from Zetsu. There's another person here, who she doesn't know what power she use or how strong she is.

"Tell me child, why did you kill your clan?" Pein asked.

She panicked. "I didn't kill them on purpose. It was an accident. I awakened my eyes today and I didn't know how to use them. Everything looked different so I panicked and sliced everything I saw... I... I'm sorry."

Shiki gritted her teeth. Why does she feel vulnerable infront of them.

She flinched when two arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a hug.

The purple haired lady.

"Calm down, Shiki. We aren't mad. We're just surprised about how you managed to kill your clan on your own." She said.

Shiki nodded to her chest.

Konan cooed and looked at Pein expectedly.

Pein sighed. He can't possibly resist his lover no matter how hard he try. Besides he knows Konan wanted someone to take care of even though she doesn't say it. And this kid is powerful. She awakened her mystic eyes, she can be a powerful asset to the organisation in the future.

Pein nodded. "Alright. She can stay."

Konan smiled back thankfully and hugged Shiki tighter.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki, Shiki." Konan said.

Pein hid his face behind his high collars and smiled slightly.

He caught Shiki looking at him astonished but ignored her, going back to the paperwork.

He hate to admit it, but whenever he catches the child's gaze, his chest feels all warm and stuff. And he immediately realised he'll get attached to this kid soon like Konan did. Not only him, but the entire Akatsuki. He's sure of it.

(I probably should make some things clear. The Akatsuki in my story are not going after the tailed beasts. Obito still is the leader behind the scenes but he's in good terms with Pein instead of manipulating him. In short, Akatsuki is a group of outcasts who's striving to survive in the ninja world. They are still a criminal organization though. And their personalities are the same.)

To be continued...

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