Meeting the Akatsuki

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I will put a note about Japanese honorifics below. If anyone is unfamiliar with them, read the note.

 If anyone is unfamiliar with them, read the note

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"Zetsu!" Pein called.

Zetsu appeared from the ground. He looked at Konan who's still hugging Shiki. Shiki looks so comfortable.

Together they look like mom and daughter, which makes Pein her...

Zetsu smirked. Pein rolled his eyes and decided to ignore it.

"When will the rest arrive?" Pein asked.

"They should be arriving anytime now." Zetsu responded.

"Good. Once everyone's here, gather everyone and come back here. I would like to introduce Shiki to them. Until then, Shiki stays with me and Konan." Pein said.

Zetsu snickered. It hasn't been even five minutes since Shiki arrived and Pein is already so protective of her.

Pein looked annoyed. "Now go and gather them."

"Hai, hai." Zetsu laughed and disappeared back to the ground. He appeared on the other side and walked downstairs.

This means the kid is staying then. Zetsu smiled softly as he waited for the rest of the members to arrive.

Back to the office, Pein sighed tired.

Konan picked up the sleeping child and laid her down on the couch.

"She's asleep already?" Pein asked.

"Hmm... She must be tired after all that happened. It must have took a lot of energy from her to heal her wounds after the process of awakening her eyes." Konan said.

Pein nodded. He continued to do the paperwork while Konan sat beside Shiki playing with her hair.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw Pein already completed the small work that's left and is secretly glancing at her and the child.

Konan chuckled.

"You know Pein, if you want, you can play with hair too."

Pein hesitated for a moment then stood up and walked towards them. He sat down beside Konan and slowly started stroking Shiki's hair.

"Her hair is soft." He mumbled softly.

"Yeah you're right." Konan whispered back. "So ready to be a dad?"

Pein's eyes widened.

"Come on, if I'm the mom, that would automatically make you her dad." Konan said.

Pein just sat there looking at Shiki. After a few moments, he smiled softly.

"Yeah. We'll be great parents."

Konan smiled back.

They heard loud chattering approaching.

"That must be them." Konan said. Pein nodded and stood up, going back to his blank face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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