New Guy

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Chapter 2


Katsuki's Pov


It's been a week since I came out of the hospital almost fully paralysed, and my parents decided that they were going to search for someone to look after me while I get adjusted to the whole life changing experience. They even took a month of work to do that, they'll still get paid, just not like they normally would.

We discovered that apparently massages help with my health as it gets blood flowing in my legs as it would normally stop moving due to the lack of movement in those muscles, which may lead to a heart attack. So yeah it was apparently important for me to have them.

It was embarrassing the first few times that my parents massaged me, as they had to have my legs bare and they were my parents touching me in places they don't normally touch. But after a little while I got used to it, but it has to he my parents or I will get super embarrassed and not allow them to do it.

So yeah a week later and the first guy that my old hag has hired was going to be coming round to meet me and get used to my schedule so that they know how they were going to be taking care of me. My parents installed cameras around the house as they have now become super overprotective, but they did refrain from putting them in the bathroom and the bedrooms. Only in the halls, main rooms and the closets. They did that so they could see anything wrong and inform someone about it, I don't really know the details as they refused to tell me and said it was for my own good. But fuck that.

Anyways I now got to meet the guy and I was told to be on my "Best Behaviour" by my old hag. She doesn't get why I'm all salty and quiet now, she probably thinks it's because I just basically lost my legs but it's actually not that. I watched the news and found some recordings of what happened with me in the accident. And turns out those "Heroes", if I can even call them that, didn't even bother with me and just went infront of a camera and had an interview. But luckily a guy from the crowd spotted me and yelled out that I needed help. I'll never know who that guy was and I am forever in debt.

He saved my life

The doorbell rings and I could hear my hag open the door. My bedroom was quickly moved downstairs so I could get to it without someone carrying me, so I came rolling out of my bedroom down the hall to the front door. My hag turned around and smiled at me, leading the way in for someone.
"Kat, this is going to be your caretaker" She gestured to the man behind her and I examined him.

He was like 5'11, while I was 4'9 if I was stood up, his hair was like a bush all sorts of messy which stood out like a sore thumb because his hair was orange but what he was wearing did not match his hair at all. He was wearing a yellow turtleneck and brown trousers with black shoes, did I say his eyes were brown? Nah? Oh well, now you know.

"So this is Katsuki?" He said kneeling down to my height. I looked at him look at me with pity on his face. Well fuck you.
"Yes this is my son Katsuki, Kat, can you please pass me the notes on the kitchen table?" I was just about to speak to say 'Okay' when.
"Oh no it's alright Mrs. Bakugou I'll go get them for you" He said gleefully and basically raced to go get them.

The fuck!? I was just asked to! Not him! Plus it's going to be all about me! It should be logical that I go get them! Tch...

He came back with the notes and gave them to my hag, my hag smiled and took them from him  then she looked at me, I could see her smile changed and she looked at me with sorrow.

Tch...I don't need pity...

"These are the notes on Katsuki on how he likes to act, what his quirk is, how to look after him and what you are and aren't allowed to touch. Here you go!" She gave them back to the guy and I am just realising now I don't know his name...oh well.

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