Try And Try

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Chapter 4


Narrator's Pov


It is now 4 years after Katsuki was put into the wheelchair and had that horrible experience of sexual assault.

But he's 16 now and he now understands what had happened to him, it gave him nightmares but he couldn't walk to his parents room to get comfort. So what they gave him was loads of stuffed animals and that seemed to help him, but in all honesty, Katsuki just felt bad that his parents had to spend so much money on him, even getting an elevator put into their staircase so he could get up and down with ease. So he pretended like he was getting better. But in reality. He was worse.

He sighed leaning back on his wheelchair, right about now he would of been fulfilling his dreams of being a pro hero but now he's just stuck. He couldn't get a part-time job as his parents were strict as fuck and wanted to baby him his whole life. They had him under surveillance at all times (except in the bathroom, changing or in his room).

He was sick of it.

He felt like he was trapped.

But of course he couldn't say that.

{I mean imagine just going up to your parents and telling them they are molly-coddling you too much? You'd be dead within the hour. 💀 Or well...I would...}


Katsuki's Pov



I groan rolling back fron my desk to face my closed door. Hag then busted down the door and started yelling again.
"Do something productive! I'm tired of seeing you roll about the house looking for things to do! Get outside! You haven't been outside for 3 years! Do you want us to come with you? Cause I will gladly do so! As long as it gets you doing something!" I roll my eyes and make my way to my desk resting my head on it and basically ignoring her.


Her yelling became fuzzy as I slowly drifted off into the dream world. Closing my eyes and letting sleep take me, but, that didn't last for long.


I jumped up, my eyes wide, my breathing ragged and my heart pounding. My chest started hurting but that wasn't what I was focusing on.

What had caught my attention was Damian. Standing right in front of me, reaching towards me, saying something...what was it? What was he saying? Why was he here!?

"Kat-.......suki!-....ka-...tsu-Katsu!- Katsuk-....Katsuki!....KATSUKI!....KATSUKI!....KATSUKI!"


Why was she here?

She's gonna get hurt too!

It's your fault Katsuki

What? N-No it isn't!

You let him do that to you

N-No I-I told him to stop!

But did he?

Then there you have it!

You didn't stop him!

You must of enjoyed it!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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