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It is your beloved author, she has come back to life after fighting many wars, procrastination. One must not judge procrastination as it is a prominent opponent. You may just call it my death, but I have revived with an idea. But with procrastination sometimes comes skills, it takes skills to procrastinate as long and hard as I did.

I have come forth to face all foes and give an apology for the hiatus on ILY! I am not quite sure on when I will ever continue writing on it, but all ideas have disappeared hence I bring this new story as tribute.

To conclude, I died cause of procrastination and came back cause I felt like it.

Reversed is just roles switched up. My original idea was to write their genders switched but some people had already done that and I haven't seen anyone write about the roles swapped.

Procrastination reason was just cause I was making other things and playing genshin.

Hope you'll all enjoy this story.

ReversedWhere stories live. Discover now