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A white room. A white room was all Blitz could see. He heard footsteps of large boots, and the shake of chains with each step the person took. Blitz couldn't move, he couldn't feel his body or anything that he could before. Someone was walking towards him. A tall figure.

Blitz wished he could scream questions, but all he could do was sit there, and wait for this thing to get close enough. Finally, pale skin peaked through the white, and a long powerful tail slashed behind him. He held a gun with him, but it wasn't the one from before. It was a pistol, with white engravings in it, marking it as a heavenly weapon. Striker.

"I see you've made your way here, Blitzy." Striker spat, making Blitz engulfed in rage. "I'll be meeting you sometime today. When you leave that house, you'll be back with one less thing." Striker grew closer. "Stolas will not live through the day."

Blitz shot up from bed. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt like someone was choking him, like his throat was closing on him. Stolas wasn't there, which only sparked his panic. "St.. Stol- Stolas?!"

He screamed. Stolas didn't come out of hiding, or call out to Blitz, or anything." Blitz backed up and held himself steady against the backboard. His chest rapidly move up and down, gasping for air, and trying to breathe.

The shattering emotion that started this whole panic attack twisted through Blitz's belly, and only growing tighter. "Stolas!! Stolas.." Blitz called out helplessly, feeling like he was in a loophole of pain. Stolas burst through the door and paused to analyze his boyfriend's demeanor.

"Blitz?" Blitz looked at Stolas helplessly, almost begging him to help him. Stolas searched him for a wound, and then realized it was just a extreme panic attack. He held him close to his chest. Blitz talked in a hushed and choked voice. "S-Something is.. wrong, Stolas. Really wrong.."

Stolas shook his head and tried to put his boyfriend at ease. "You just had a panic attack, love. Nothing is going to happen." Blitz pulled slightly away from him, facing him. "Stolas.. I haven't had a panic attack since the morning my mom died.."

Stolas's pupils shook as he tried to focus on his breathing. "Blitz." Blitz's face was wet from tears pouring out of his eyes like a waterfall. "Yes, Stolas?" His voice was shaky and scared, but Stolas's was calm and comforting. "When I'm gone you'll be okay." Blitz shook his head.

A crash from the window came behind Stolas. Blitz jumped toward it and shot at it with his gun. It was a brick with a note attached to it. "Guess who." Loona and Octavia gathered at the doorway, unsure of the noise. Blitz wiped his tears. "Call Millie and Moxxie now, Loona." Loona was confused and didn't move. "NOW LOONA!"

Loona ran to her room to grab her phone. Blitz looked at Stolas. "Stolas, I need you to tell me where the safest part of the palace is." His eyes watered and he trembled. "The bunker." Blitz grabbed Stolas's shoulders. "I need you to go. I need you to call every help in the palace to guard you with the best weapons this place holds."

Stolas nodded. Blitz kissed Stolas deeply and hugged him tight. "I love you so fuckin' much, Stolas." Stolas's trembling got worse. "I-I love you too.." Blitz tapped his shoulder and nodded, telling him silently to go. Stolas got up and sped away to the bunker at the lowest floor. Loona and Octavia met up again at the doorway, while Blitz got all of his gun ready. "M&M is on their way.."

Striker jumped onto the balcony and eyed Blitz. Loona growled behind Blitz and Blitz looked at Octavia. "Go! We cannot risk you." Octavia wanted to protest but she realized her father wouldn't want to lose her.

Striker slithered closer to the imps ahead. "Where's princey at?" Loona was quite frightened at Blitz at this moment. His stance was bold, one foot in front of the other, his posture was straight and his teeth were bared. His tail whipped in anger and anticipation. She never had seen Blitz do this before. Yes, he had gotten a little into the fight before, but that was all fun to him. This was his boyfriend we were talking about. "Shut the fuck up and fight you coward." Blitz hissed.

Blitz didn't let Striker leave his sight. "Look at your daughter, Blitz. She seems horrified of you." Blitz's tail slashed in a figure eight motion. "You can't care too much about this prince. He takes advantage of you Blitz." Blitz growled. "No! YOU take advantage of people. Stolas is the only person who gives a shit. The only one who's honestly ever loved me. Ever." Striker smiled, revealing his golden teeth.

"Y'know.. I've learned a thing or two about you from a few others Blitz." Blitz growled and adjusted his gun in his hand. "Fizzarolli, that lust imp secretly fuckin' that King? He had a few things.. Your ex? Oh she had several.. oh and finally.. your sister." Blitz gasped. "She-" Striker smiled and straightened his posture, reminding Blitz to do the same.

"She told me about your mothers death." Blitz stopped in his tracks, his tail about to fall off from swinging so fast. "'s a shame.. I'd feel sad too if I was the cause of my mothers death." Blitz yelled and headbutted Striker. Striker fell into the dressed and kicked Blitz in the face. He backhand punched Blitz making his nose drip with black blood, when Blitz used his tail to throw him into the glass window. Striker's lip was cut and bleeding from his nose.

Blitz grabbed his arms and threw him against Stolas's bed. Striker dashed at Blitz with a knife, cutting a slash in Blitz's chest. Blitz let out a wail of pain and then growled. He dove at him, cutting his arm on a shard of glass. Striker ran down the hall, toward the bunker. Blitz ran, growling and panting as he ran. He pounced on Striker and grabbed his knife. Striker lost. He was pinned against a lovesick imp. "NOW YOU FUCKIN' LISTEN TO ME!"

Blitz screamed. Loona watched Blitz's rage filled banter. "YOU LOST STRIKER!" Blitz growled. "Why.. why are you doing this? For money? Stella is a sick bitch.." Striker choked and laughed. "You're an assassin too.." Blitz laughed hysterically, his sanity decreasing by the minute. "Every being I've killed on the job, had a second chance in either hell or heaven. Stolas would've been dead.. forever. For things humans do, and even sinners and all demons of hell have done! Cheat! On a lower life form! I'm not selfish for what I do."

Stolas smiled. "I'll kill you, Blitz." Blitz smiled at Striker, crazy highlighting his eyes. "Go ahead, cowboy. Kill me." Striker smiled. "You won't have the balls to stab me, Blitz." Blitz flipped the knife in his hands, and stabbed Strikers chest. M&M walked in and saw the sight. One stab after the other, 2 stabs bled into 7, 7 into 10, his muscles flexing with each stab.

"Dad.. DAD HES DEAD, OKAY? HES DEAD!" Loona screamed. Blitz was practically foaming at the mouth. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, and anger and rage was the only expression he had. Loona grabbed him from behind and held him. Blitz fought against her, until he saw Striker wasn't there. He fell limp in Loona's arms, exhausted, dropping the knife.

Stolas stood there, in udder shock of his boyfriends rage and performance. "Blitzy?" Blitz stared at his boyfriend, unaware of all that just happened. Blitz then noticed Stolas had a limp, and his leg was slashed open. "Stolas? What happened to your leg?" Octavia held him straight.

Stolas shook his head and held Blitz. "Don't mind that love.." Stolas cooed into Blitz's ear. "You were so brave.." He softly whispered praises into Blitz's ear, when Moxxie grabbed the gun and Striker's knife. "Blitz?" Blitz was let down by Stolas and Blitz raised his eyebrows, allowing Moxxie to speak. "What do we do with the gun and his knife?" Blitz inhaled sharply. "Keep the gun. The knife.." Blitz looked at the black blood that stained the leather handle. "I'll keep the knife."

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