The 2nd Time

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Blitz smiled and laughed a little. "Oh hah, very funny. Right?" Stolas handed the test to Blitz. "So... so? So, you are pregnant again?" Stolas paused before nodding. "Okay! Okay.. okay. Hey, I mean we did agree on having more kids? So.. win? Also Lyra gets a playmate?"

Stolas's anxiety withered away very soon after that. "I-I suppose you're right. Thank you Blitzy.. how do we tell them?" Blitz shrugged. "I don't fucking know! They were convinced one was enough!" Stolas sighed. "Blitz, I want you to tell them."

Blitz sighed and nodded. "Okay.. I will." Stolas kissed his cheek. "I need to go get dressed and I'll join you all." Blitz nodded and walked back into the dining room. He looked shocked, which he was.

"Is everything okay?" Blitz laughed nervously. "Soooo...." He looked at Octavia, who looked like she would slit open his throat with a spoon. "Mmm.. y'know what I'll wait for Stolas.."

A few minutes passed. "Did you tell them?" Stolas asked. Blitz shook his head no. "Your daughter looks like she could cut me open and eat me for breakfast." Stolas sighed. "Okay, well I'm here. Say it." Blitz exhaled.

"So.. Stolas is like.. pregnant again." Octavia's eye twitched. She lunged for Blitz, making Stolas and Loona hold her back. "YOU NEARLY FUCKING KILLED HIM! NOW YOU KNOCK HIM UP AGAIN? HAVE YOU GONE BATSHIT BLOODY FUCKING CRAZY?" Jesus, she sounded like her mother when she was mad. "Hey, I didn't plan or decide for this to happen!"

She fought against Stolas and Loona even harder then. "Satan, you're strong!" She knocked Loona off, leaving Stolas to hold her back. He grabbed her shoulder.

"Via! Knock it off!" She stopped and flipped Blitz off. "Via, it's truly okay.. Blitz didn't mean for this to happen. But, we will embrace it." Lyra got up and her tail slashed with curiosity.

"What's wrong, mama?" Stolas turned to her and smiled. "You are gonna have a baby brother or sister." She tilted her head. "How?" Lyra asked tilting her head. Blitz opened his mouth, but Stolas hushed him. "Hush, Blitz." Blitz whined. "I'll be appropriate!"

Stolas ignored him. "Let's save that question for another time." She nodded, not paying much mind to it. "So, I'll have a brother or sister?" Blitz nodded with a slight smile. "Yay!" Stolas smiled, and started eating.

Blitz and Stolas were laying in bed now, Stolas held Blitz really close. "What's up babe?" He asked, running his fingers through his husbands hair. "What if it goes badly this time? I don't want to scare you-" Blitz wrapped his tail around Stolas's slim waist. "Hey. We have both been scared for each others lives now. I have Lyra. I can go wait in a room with her. But, with you? You're strong as hell babe."

Stolas nuzzled Blitz's shoulder closing his eyes and happy to hear the slight purring that was hidden by his soft voice. "You're gonna be okay." Stolas paused and opened his eyes. The thoughts crept up into his mind, letting them hit him like bullets. "Stols? Hey, hey.. are you okay?" Stolas got closer to Blitz's face.

"What if Lyra freaks out?" His voice sounded small and weak, letting Blitz know he was truly worried about this. "Oh, Stolas.. fuck.. hey. Listen to me, okay?" Stolas let a few tears stream down his cheek. "She's gonna be okay. She's gonna be with me, okay?"

Stolas's voice was still quiet. "Okay." Stolas kissed Blitz with a small smile. Lyra walked into the room. She shifted her feet and used the knowledge from Blitz teaching her to sneak upon people. She pounced on the bed, making Blitz cradle Stolas and making Stolas yelp. "Satan! God, you scared me! Also, excellent job on sneaking." He nodded to her. "Thank you! Now, can you explain the whole brother and sister thingy?"

Blitz sat up, letting Lyra admire how strong her father looked. She hardly ever saw him shirtless and she always thought it was cool to see how his muscles were just there, without even flexing them.

"So, basically.. there is a little small thing inside of his belly, that's a baby. It eventually grows as the months go on, and when it's too big you like, get it out of you." Stolas untensed, happy Blitz wasn't just slinging words out of his mouth. "How'd it get in there?" Blitz hummed. "Uhhhh.... so it's super small.. like the baby. Nothing else."

He smirked at his own little joke and shook away his thought. "So you can just like.. go to this fancy store and they'll take your DNA and genes and stuff, and then they'll give you a pill and then eventually after you take it just grows in your body."

She smiled, nodding. "That makes sense." Blitz nodded. "But make sure that this person is the right person to have a kid with, you don't wanna be one of those people that have 10 kids from different people."

Stolas just watched in awe of how well Blitz handled such an adult situation with a child. "Can I have a baby?" Blitz felt panic rise in his chest. "I mean.. yes, but not anytime soon. You have to be much much older." She nodded. "Is it a girl?" She beamed. "Well, I don't know."

"Why? Doesn't the store tell you?" She said, raising a brow. "It does eventually, but the baby has to be a couple weeks old." She nodded. "How long does a baby take?" Blitz shrugged. "Usually 9 months, but it took you 8 and a half."

"Does it hurt?" Blitz looked at Stolas. "Yes, very much." She frowned. "Will you be okay?" Stolas smiled. "Well, it's like getting a shot." She flinched. "Shots are scary!"

Stolas hummed. "They are. The pain only lasts for a minute though, and once you get your shot, you are safe. With babies, it only hurts for a certain amount of time, and then you have a new baby! It's all worth it in the end."

She untensed, feeling better. "What's gonna happen when that time comes?" Stolas glanced at Blitz. "You and Daddy are going to stay in here. It's safer for you both that way." Lyra nodded and crawled toward her mother and father. She hugged them both. "I love you Lyra. You're a curious kid, and I like that." Blitz smiled. Lyra hugged him tighter. "I love you too! Can we train now?" Her tail wagged with curiosity. "Yea, kid. We can. I'll be back, babe." Blitz kissed Stolas on the head and walked to the training room. This was gonna be a hell of a ride.

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