Comet's Rage

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"Oh HELL fucking no!" Blitz screamed. "Blitz! Sit down. He's far gone now." Stolas said calmly. "It's him. The kid I beat." Blitz flicked his tail. "Tell him to stay the fuck away unless he wants a bullet in his brain." Lyra nodded.

"Now who the hell is Striker?" Blitz shrugged. "He's dead, that's what he is." Stolas looked down. "He was hired by my ex wife to kill me. It drove your father insane because of how it effected me, so when Striker showed up to kill me, your dad stabbed him around 30 times before I pulled him off of Striker."

Lyra smiled. "I wish I could've seen it." Blitz glanced at her. "No, you don't. It was really bad, Ly. Really, really bad." Lyra looked at the floor. "Do we all have that primal rage stuff?" Blitz shrugged. "I know you and Sylas have it. I'm not sure about Comet."

Comet flicked her tail, not saying anything. Lyra decided to break the silence. "I'll talk to him tomorrow." Blitz walked up to her and gave her a knife discreetly. "Don't tell your mom. If he tries testy shit you stab the fuck out of him." Blitz kissed her cheek and walked away. Stolas whispered a few things to Sylas and got up. "Goodnight, everyone."

Sylas ran to his bed and pulled the blanket to his eyes. "It's okay Sylas! Jeez. Let's go to sleep, okay? That'll help."


Lyra clutched the knife in her hand on the bus. "What are you playing with, Lyra? Let me see!" Lyra wrestled her arm. "Hey! Careful! It's.. Dad gave me a knife." Comet looked at the knife in her hand. Their father always had cool looking knives.

"So.. you can have one of his knives now? No fair!" She whined. "It's for protection, Comet!" She yelled. "Hey, hybrid! Did you get my message yesterday?" The boy smirked. "WE HAVE A FUCKING KNIFE AND WE'LL GUT YOU!" Comet screeched.

Lyra covered her mouth. "She's off her meds today.. uh just shut the hell up. You're being childish." The boy smiled. "You talking to me or pipsqueak here?" He said pointing at Comet. Comet wrestled against Lyra and got her face free.

"PIPSQUEAK?! You watch your mouth, Gideon! I'll beat you so hard into the ground the only thing left with be my shoe mark in the ground!" Lyra held her back and put her body in between her legs, trying to do what Blitz did when she would get like this.

Blitz understood her anger, because the two were very much alike. Her chest was still heaving, but she sat there calmly. "You're pathetic!" Gideon laughed. "Whatever, nerd. I'm just warning you. Wouldn't want your stupid feathers to get messed up."

Lyra sighed. "It's okay Comet. Just let it go." She growled lowly, slashing her tail back and forth.


They finally got to school and off the bus. "Don't get yourself killed." She warned her little sister. "I won't. I'll beat their asses." Lyra rolled her eyes. She walked to the bathroom and washed her hands. She turned around behind her and was hit in the head with a glass bottle.

She let out a screech of pain, hooting a little. She fell to her knees, letting the knife fall out of her skirt pocket. There was a crowd now, and she was being kicked in her stomach. Her horns were being pulled on and she was bleeding badly from her mouth and nose.

Comet peeked through the crowd and gasped. "Lyra! Lyra!" She pounced toward her and noticed she was not responding. She grabbed the knife and threw it at one of them. It missed them. She sobbed and begged them to stop, but it didn't work.

Then it went black.


Blitz and Stolas drove up to the school, once again. "I hope it isn't Comet.." Stolas whimpered. "Babe, it's fine. Lyra defended her, I'm sure."

They walked up the office and heard yowling and growling. Blitz looked in the office and saw Comet with blood all over her and chained to a chair. "Holy shit." Blitz's mouth gaped. "Where's Lyra?" The principal sighed. "Bring her in." Lyra limped behind them and looked up and Stolas. "Oh my.. Lyra.." He hugged her. "He attacked me." She whispered.

Blitz focused on Comet. Comet noticed him and stopped her hissing a little. "Comet, hey. It's me." Comet looked at her father, then looked down at the blood dried into her feathers. She gasped and pulled against the chains. "Dad?" She said softly. "Let her go."

The nurse stepped to the side and loosened her chains. "Comet, you lost your shit. Don't freak out. Lyra is okay." Comet's muscles untensed. "So.. tell me what happened so we can get you out of here huh?" Comet shrugged. "I don't know.. I just saw him attacking Lyra. Then it went black." Blitz tilted his head. "Huh.. well, I know now that you have the same thing as the rest of your siblings. That's good huh?" Comet hummed a reply.

"She's going to have to be suspended for a week." The principal spat. "Kay? I don't care, hetero." Comet growled. Blitz snorted at their short conversation. "Come on." Comet got up, trying not to collapse from her legs being so weak.


Once they were home, Blitz and Stolas fixed her wounds. "You have to remember in moments like that, you have to fight it. Okay?" Comet nodded. "I'm sorry." Blitz shrugged. "Meh. It was your first time, kid. It's normal to not control it so quickly." Comet nodded and smiled when Stolas kissed her on the head.

"Thanks." She flicked her tail as she hopped down. "Goodnight." She whispered and walked out of the room.

(IM BACK WHORES AHAHAHAHAH thank u all for the patience. this was kind of a shitty chapter bc im a lil rusty but ill get better i have ideas >:) anyways hope u enjoyed)

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