Paimons Grandkid

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Stolas paced back and forth, trying to put his mind at ease. "Babe.. it's okay.." Stolas shook his head. "You saw how he accepted you! Our child? I- I just don't want him to hurt her." Blitz tripped Stolas with his tail and caught him before he fell. "You. Need. To. Relax. Calm down baby. He won't hurt her, not on our watch. Okay?"

Stolas kissed Blitz on his forehead. "I know it's just.. what's going to happen when she goes to school? She's got a few months left, but she's still-" Blitz silenced his husband with a kiss. "Stolas. Calm down and stop overthinking. Now get your sexy ass dressed so we can go." Stolas smiled and got up to get dressed. "Daddy! Do I look pretty?" He smiled. "Stunning!" He picked her up and kissed her head a few times.

Stolas stepped out of the closet wearing a really fancy suit. "Daaammnn.. why do are you trying to look hot? You're just going to your dads right?" Stolas rolled his eyes teasingly. "I'm not trying to." Blitz sputtered. "Uh, but you are? You never wear suits." Stolas scoffed. "Their bloody atrocious to wear. I feel like I can't breathe in any of them." Blitz shook his head and turned away from him. "Lets go!"

They arrived at this huge mansion. Flashbacks of Stolas's trauma flashed through his mind. He tried putting on a face, but Blitz could see through it easily. He knew he hated it here. They opened the door, and looked around. "Stay back."

He said glancing at Blitz from over his shoulder. "Okay." He looked around, waiting for the old bastard to come out. Eventually he did, and right behind Stolas too. "Why.. are you here?" He growled. "It's not to ask you for anything other than you're time, father." Stolas looked around at portraits of him, all had been replaced once Stolas had moved out. It hurt to see his father took down the pictures of his own dead wife.

"What else do I have to give you, Stolas?" Stolas glared. "I got engaged and married." He said glaring at his father. "Hopefully you dropped that imp and married another fine woman." Stolas made a fist. "No, father. I'm married to him." A look of disappointment came across his face. Stolas shuddered at the flashbacks. "Pathetic. Get out of my house." Stolas stood taller. "Father, I have a child." Paimon rolled his eyes. "Yes, you have Octavia." Stolas sighed. "No, I have had another, around 5 years ago. Her name is Lyra." Lyra rounded the corner with Blitz.

Paimon's face curled with disgust. "She's.. a Goetia-Imp breed?" He asked. Stolas stood tall again. "Yes. I considered maybe you'd want to meet her, before she grows to hate you the way Octavia does." He spat. Paimon snorted and started cackling.

"At least she's well bred! I would never accept this.. this low life.. half bred, mista-" Stolas blew fire at his father. "I'd advise you don't finish that sentence." Blitz backed up. "Daddy, what are those white things in Mommy's eyes?" Blitz looked at his daughter. "They only show up when Mommy is very mad. If you ever see them, run to me. I'll save you." She giggled.

"As if you scare me, Stolas." He stepped down from his throne. "I created you and-" Stolas rolled his eyes. "Can you cut the shitty parental villain speech, and just do what you want to do?" Paimon snarled at Stolas. "I don't want to waste my time on a imp sucker of a son I sadly was given, so I won't fight you." Stolas scoffed.

"That's great for the two of us. I wouldn't want to waste my time on an old depressed close to looking homeless man that survives off his dead wife's money. It'd be sad to watch your bones crumble and see the disappointment in your eyes as you accepted your so called 'easy victory', to turn out as an utter failure." Blitz covered his mouth. "What happened?" Lyra asked. "Your mother is a fucking savage." Paimon seethed. "Watch your mouth."

Stolas crossed his arms. "Take your ass back to the hellhole you crawled out of, don't forget your low life of a husband and the abomination of a child you two mistakes created." Stolas looked at him dead in his face and slapped him. "Keep our names out of your disgusting mouth and we definitely will." With that, Stolas walked out. 

(chapter inspired by NicVaquera 

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